King's Business - 1926-12

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T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

December 1926

■LOOKING FORWARD TO CHRISTMAS These Calendars will w k i splendid presents A Scripture Verse for Every Day * 1927 should see The Scripture Text Calender in every home. It is a real neces­ ------

TWO NOTABLE DEFENDERS OF THE FAITH They are Now Available for Speaking Engagements on the Pacific Coast Mr. Paul Kanamori, called “The Moody of Japan,” and also known as the preacher of the "Three-Hour Sermon,” which has been heard by more than a million people in Japan and has resulted in 75,000 conversions, is now on the Pacific Coast giving his address, “The Story of My Life.” This is a call back to the Bible and Christ, and will be a blessing wherever heard. Dr. Arthur I. Brown, of Vancouver, B. C., one . of the foremost surgeons on the Pacific Coast, is also available for speaking engagements for a few months. Dr. Brown has made a special experimental study of evolution for years, under Sir Arthur Keith, of London, England, recognised as one of the world’s greatest authorities on anthropology and evolution, and has—at the solicitation of some of the fundamental brethren—consented to devote some time to lecturing in defense of the Bible and against the evolu­ tionary fallacy. Fundamental churches -and organizations desiring to secure one or both of these speakers for Bible conferences can get in touch with them by writing to tfie feryan Bible League, Turlock, California. .

sity in every home. The influence it has on the young in teaching great tru th s and incul­ cating the right view of life should appeal to every parent. It teaches morality and good citizenship a n d the lessons thus learned will fol­ low through life.

|Size of Calendar 914x16 Inches. A MASTERPIECE OF THE ENGRAVER'S AND PRINTER'S ART. The Scripture Text Calendar contains 12 beau­ tiful reproductions of the works of some of the world's greatest artists. All of these pictures rep­ resent what is best and most refined in the realm of religious art. The color paintings are perfect and beautiful. A beautiful gallery of the world's most famous Sacred paintings. These beautiful reproductions are worth many times the low price of the calendar. f SPECIAL FEATURES — for 1927 — WORTH COST OF CALENDAR The usual features which have made this calen­ dar famous, such as the International Sunday School lesson each Sunday, daily Scripture verse, and twelve paintings from the masters, have been retained in the 1927 calendar. The verse for each Sunday is the Golden Text in full, for the following Sunday. On the back page of the calendar is shown a perpetual calendar, table of standard time around the world, table of Easter Sundays from 1860 to 1955, statistics on religions of the world and lan­ guages of the World. IDEAL GIFT hjothing could bo more appropriate as a gift a t Christ­ mas time than one of these Scripture Text Calendars. For those who wish to purchase a small quantity for this p u r­ pose, we quote the following: Single Copies, 30c; 8—-$1.40| 12— $3.00; 28— $8.78; 80— $10.00; 100— $17.00 Sand Cash With O rder 1927 CALENDARS NOW READY Don't wait I Don't d e la y f Calendars are now ready. Be sure to plaoe your order for full supply. Our experience has been th at by far the greater portion of these calendars are sold in advance of the New Year. Calendars ara printed in English. German, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Spanish, Italian, French and Japanese languagae, but all foreign languages from a special edition w ith pictures (except cover) printed in the duo-color process. If money does not accompany order, goads w ill be sent C. O . D.

CHRISTMAS AT BETHLEHEM No wreaths o f red-tipped holly, No spangles bright and gay, Adorned the Saviour's cradle, Where rudely wrapped He lay. There were no Christmas dainties, No bright and pretty toys, Nor rang the joyous laughter there O f merry girls and boys. But in the dingy stable, Low on a bed o f hay, The Prince o f the House o f David, All uncomplaining lay. • SzSeet mother near to love Him, Kind shepherds to adore; • And His Father, God, above Him ,— He did not wish for more. It is not fine surroundings That Christmas joy imparts, Nor gifts o f price and beauty, But the love o f gentle hearts. Christ comes to all the lowly, But the proud He passes by; And they sing—His angels holy ,— Only where Christ is nigh. —John H. Sammis. in “Trust and Obey and Other Songs/’ Biola Book Room

B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Log Angeles, Cal.*

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