T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
December 1926
The Commission Comm itted to the Church 449 The Cloud of Grief and the Cloud of Glory 318 The Deceptive, Destructive Detour....... . 623 The G litter of Gold or the Glory of God..... 4 The Good Work, of the Gideons.................. 500 The Heinous Human H eart............ 500 The Idiotic A ttack Upon the Invincible Anvil ....—.........----............... 317 The Joy Bells of the Believer—...—........ 59 The Key to the Kingdom............... — . 444 The Law of L iberty.....—................ . 380 The Mystery of the Manger.............— —.. 703 The Modernist M issionary—......................... 61 The Overlooked Outlook.............. ...... *...— 253 The Peril of P rosperity................. ..... i. ....... 4 The Penalty of Privilege....... ............. . 184 The Pied Piper of Pedagogy..------------------ 254 The Pernicious Peace Propaganda....... —. 381 The Perfect P attern ........................ .— ......... 555 The Power of P rayer in a Modern Miracle 555 The Present Day Prophetic P icture........ . 704 The Rugged Road to Royalty........ . 443 The Sleepy Saints.............. 120 The Seed Sowing and H arrow ing H arvest 316 The Trend of th e World and the Tendency of the Church—.....—..— ....... 382 The Whip of W rath ................................. 556 The Well W orth While World-W ide Work 254 W orth While W ork________ ____________ ; 701 "Youth’s Adventure” ...__ 502 CONTRIBUTED ARTICLES A Charge to Young M inisters..........—....... — 7 A Christian Chinese Hero............................... 265 A C ontrast Between Two Tombs........... 186 A fter the Bible, W h at?..............---- ........... 258 An Antidote for Pessim ism ........ 129 An Infallible Bible and the Challenge of Science ....................................................... 562 Anthropology: or. The Doctrine of Man II, 93, 131, 201, 270, 334, 396, 463, Announcement: Summer School and Conference — ...._________ ............... 256 A Rousing Radio Bible Message....... 508 A Real Resurrection: Body, Soul and Spirit—........................... 195 A Story of Five Fishermen__ .........—.... 566 A Suggestion—W orth -Trying.—.....—.......... 450 An Unique Day ___ ......-------- ..................... 506 "Beware of False P rophets"—................... 383 Bible C rusaders and Defenders of the Faith ------ -—...................... . 77 "Blessed Are the Peacem akers"___.......... 503 Can a C orrupt Tree Bring F orth Good Fruit? ..... .........— ................ ........... 269 "Crowds for C hrist"..............— ...... 398 Evolution is Atheism Clothed in a Robe of Intellectual R espectability.................... 513 Evolution: Unscientific, Unscriptural, A nti-C hristian ........................................ 385 F aith's Deadliest Enemy.................................. 511 F irst Things F irst..................... 9 Giving T hanks for Our Inheritance............. 629 "God's Way to a New R evival"— .............. 446 He Stooped So Low............. 708 Hidden Knowledge ...........................—.... 401 "H is Name Shall Be Called W onderful"—. 447 How Fosdick W as Forced Into the Open 6 3 1 How God's W ord Won the H eart of a H eathen Leper...................................... 199 How I Came to be a Prem illennialist------ 786 If C hrist Be Not Risen I................................... 193 Inroads of Modernism in India.................... 567 Is The A ntichrist a t Hand ?__— ....._....... 15 Is There a God?.—.............. «......................... 17 Is- There a Second Chance?........................... 69 Is the Second Coming of C hrist a Practical Hope? ...................................... 454 Jesus C hrist : Son of Gód—Servant of Jehovah.......................... 782 Jesus, the T eacher.............. 133 L ight on the Law Governing the General Assembly................ ........................ 507 L ight and The Law...r —......... 569 Miracles I Are They Probable?...._........... 203 Miracles I Are They Possible?.............. . 125 Modernism and H istoric Christianity........ 391 "Much Needed Counsel"_______.......—.......' 559 Our G reat Foreign Field in the Homeland 13 Out of the H ouse' of Bondage....... ............ 457 Our New Course in C hristian Education 63 P asto r and Presbyter___________ ............. 8 Paul Before "The C ulture Club” and "The Rescue M ission"______ ____ — % 67 "S alt” or "L eaven" ?----- -------------- ............ 123 Seven Significant Signs.................— 336 Seeing the Unseen............................................. 134 Some P ractical A spects of the Blessed Hope .............. ................—......------ 393 Sowing the Seed in the L and of our Lord.. 568 Sunrise a t M idnight....... ........ 321 Surgery of the Scriptures....__.................... 263 Transform ed by the Pow er of the Son of God----- --------- -— .................. 135 Thank God for America I— .............—. 71 510, 564, 634, 716
Jaffray. Rev. R. A............... .............- ............ - 457 Keller, Dr. Frank A.---------....—«....25, 83, 215, 277. 341, 403. 471, 317. 573, 639 Keyaer, Prof. Laander S...............269, 453, 627 L eggett, Rev. Chas. H.—.....----------.....- .323 Macartney, Dr. Clarence E dw ard.............. 561 Maclnnia, Dr. John M.......7, 123, 187, 236, 319, 363, 446, 303, 559, 625. 706 Maclaren, Dr. Alexander-------------------- -— 629 Manly, Dr. R. C ------- -— .......■- .—......... 391 Marshall, Rev. H. C................................a ..... 766 Marsh. Dr. F. E................ II, 73. 131, 201. 270, 334. 396, 463, 510, 564, 634, 716 Martin, Dr. T. T .....-------- ---------................. 77 Masses, D r..................... .....................— .— 2 17 Matthews, Dr. Mark A........132, 169, 261, 507, 369 Maxwell, Grace............. 734, 736, 736, 740, 742 Meader, Sophie Shaw....... — —«— 31, 67, 150. 211, 279, 343, 407, 467, 523, 563, 655 Merrill, Mabel I______ 734, 736, 736, 740. 742 Monro, Hugo R........ ................. ........... . ...... 393 Morgan, Rev. V. V.......................33, 89, 149, 221, 267, 354, 417, 479. 531, 567, 646, 731 Murrman, Rev. Adam---- -------- ...------------- 266 Mygatt, Rev. A lbert.—735, 736, 731, 736, 742 Neve, Rev. Murdock C— ----- ----------- ....... 401 N u ttin g ,' Rev. John D....................... .............. 256 Orwig. Rev. A. W-----------------------------------$30 Payne* Rev. A rthur W .................................— 711 Pearson,*, Claude H ...............................40, 81, P 141, 208, 428, 539, 594, 662, 722 Percival, Rev. Wm. B...........,..........................'330 Pierce, Dr. E arle V------------ -------- -— ....... 713 Pierson, Dr. A rthur T........ —.............. 125, 203 Rawlings, P asto r W. H ............... ............ 782 Reid, Rev. John G........................... 129, 387, 450 Reynolds, Marion H ........ -23, 97, 141, 209, 276, 339, 403, 486, 516, 662, 722 Richards, Joseph A...,........................—............ 67 Riley, Dr. Wm. B_______________________ 385 Richie, Wm. A------ -----------------------------— 413 Roads, Dr. Chas.------- - ----- -----------............ 399 Roberts, W atkin R............—.— ................ 567 Rodeheaver, Homer ..........-............................. 158 Rohold, Rev. S. B...................................... 336, 711 Ross, ReW B rittpn................... . 455 Rouzee, Miss M. W inifred............................... 13 Scott, Dr. .Charles Ernest........................199, 506 Selle, Rev. Robt. L .................................. ........ 397 Sharp, Robert ................................. ..—............ 666 Stew art, Mrs. Lyman................. 22, 81, 140, 208, 273, 338, 403, 465, 515 S traton, Dr. John Roach....I------ --------— ... 9 W atson, Sydney ...............................570, 638, 720 W estervelt, Josephine Hope.............19, 79, 137, 205, 271, 347 Wood, Rev. G. R. Harding../........— ...—... 17 EDITORIAL A Church Confession Conference.. *4 Appalling A postasy ........................................ 119 A Plea For Prayer................. ............... ........... 3 Banking on the Bible........................................ 60 Best Books for Children................................. 624 Booth Succeeds B ryan....... 6 Building on the Bible.............. i .................... 556 Cheer and Com fort from C h ris t.....« :^ .. 379 China's Hour of C risis........................... 705 Clean Cut for C hrist..................—......----....... 380 Conscience I Conviction I Couragel............... 117 Consider The C hrist of the C ross----- ---- 315 Doctors' Degrees and Divine Decrees........ 501 Exalted Education .............................. - ......... 185 Facing Serious F acts................................. 445 Fertile F acts for Everybody............... .— 255 Fixing the Fundam ental Flag.......'------ 184 Following the Fashion...................................... 623 From B arracks to Battlefield......................... 60 Giving Thanks for God's Goodness........... 6 2 1 God's Call to Sleeping Saints................ .. 5 God's W orkers Must Use God's W ord........ 183 Homeless Houses .................. 253 Is C hrist's Coming Imm inent?.................... 621 Magnifying Man o r Minifying C hrist........ 557 Perfunctory Prayer ...........:...................... . 449 Perplexing Problem s in Bestowing Benefactions .................................................. 317 P rayer and Praise ............................. - ........ .. — 443 Religious Education—Regeneration— Revival ...................................-.........— ........ 704 R esurrection Responsibility .................... —.. 183 (Seeking to Save Sinners................—........... 622 "Shall We Bury the Bible?------------------------ 624 Sparing and Spoiling...—................................. 117 Sunshine Faces ......---- -— .—...— ............. 500 The American Association for the Advancement of Atheism ........................... 315 The Blasphemous B reath of Liither Burbank ....—..— .......—............ 118 The Business of the Believer...—........... 701
GENERAL INDEX Best Books......92, 157, 226, 292, 359, 423, Bible Institute Happenings......34, 90, 153, 223, 269, 356, 419, 461, 532. 560, 649, 747 Bible Institute in China..........2 5, 63, 215, 277 341, 405, 471, 517, 575, 639 C artoons.............2, 5, 15, 61, 119, 120, 165 196, 254, 317, 361, 444, 501, 557, 623 Children's Garden......31, 67, 151, 211, 279, 343, 407, 467, 523, 563. 655, 743 C hristian Endeavor Topics......33, 69, 149, 221, 267, 354, 417. 479. 531, 567, 646, 731 Current Comment......21, 80, 139, 207, 272, 246, 402, 464, 519, 572, 641. 721 Defenders of the Faith (Personal Work) 27, 65. 145, 218, 264, 351, 414, 476. 527, 576, 642, 725 Editorial.............3, 59, 117, 163, 253, 315, Eighth Annual W orld's C hristian Funda m ental Convention ....... ............................. 323 379, 443. 499, 555, 621, 701 Evangelistic Dept...M........2i, 81, 140, 206, 273, 338, 403, 465, 515, 573, 646, 722 Family Circle.............26, 84, 143, 216, 263, 350, 412, 474, 521, 576, 652, 729 Fine Gold....................19, 79, 137, 205, 271, 347 God The Son— Incarnate...................... ....... ... 36 Iowa C hristian Fundam ental Association 363. 489, 522, 596, 761 Nineteenth Anniversary, Bible Institute of Los Angeles —...—...— ............ 197 Outline Studies In Epistles of John......29, 66. 220, 352, 41*5, 428, 529, 579, 643, 727 P ointers for Preachers .and Teachers....24, 82, 142, 208, 278, 949, 411, 476, 520, 1 582, 645, 724 International Sunday School Lessons----- - 733 The Chosen People, th e Land, the Book, 37, 94,^155, 225, 291, 358, 421, 483, 534, 590, 660, 750 "The Mark of the B east".............570, 638, 720 AUTHORS Atchinak, V artan .............................—--------- A tkins, Rev. Austin H...................... Baker, Rhodes S......................................... 259, B arrett, Frank ......—.............. ..... -......... Bauman, Dr. Louis S.....................................15, Bell, David C..............— ...........................------- Bender, Robt. H .................. 22, 96, 141, 296, 339, 403, 465, 538, 593, 646, Bercovitz, Dr. Nathaniel ............................... Boggs, Samuel L ................................................ Bole, Dr. S. J ....... X ........ ..................................- Boling, W. M....... .[...................................... .— Bounds, Edward M........................ - ...... -......... Breed, Dr. David R........................ ................... Briegleb, Dr, G. A—........v................................ Brisbane, A rthur J ........................................... Brooks, Rev. Keith L............—.................. Brown, Abbie C. Morrow........ Brown, Dr. A rthur I........ — ——— Burrell, Dr. David Jam es.................;i-.—— Bustard, Dr. W. W .............—...... ...... ............ Cant, David........................23, 98, 164, 208, * 275, 340, 404, 466, 539, 573, 663, 'Carter, Rev. A rthur H ......... ........................ Chaffee, Florence M.................................- ..... Chalmers, Rev. Thos. M........ . Cooper, David L........ ................ 61, 165, 222, 276, 291, 358, 360, 404,421, 486, 483, 534, 538, 574, 588, 660, 664, 756, Copeland, Rev. A. Reilly............... .........514, Copley, A lbert ................. *•••••• Dennis, Mrs. A. L.................... 575, Dunbar, Jam es ..........................-................— Eddings, Rev. V. V................ -........................ Feng Yu Hsiang, Marshal... Fisher, Wm. A.......—...734, 736, 738, 740, Frater, Rev. 'Maurice........................................ Ghosn-el-Howie, Mrs...........- .............. —.......... Hale W. R................................—.26, 84, 143, 216, 283, 350, 412, 474. 521. 576. 652. Hazard, Rev. Christopher G---------------- ------ Hinson, Dr. W alter B......... ............ ...193, Hodgson, Homera —i...........——-— ------- Hoff, Rev. Irving G......................... —........— Hortoo,**?!' 117. 145. 147, 183. 218. 220. ¿51. 255. 5TS*44 s : 5?l: III: III: III : «?: »1: ill: «1: » 7 *: ^ «a. ms .j . . ; Hottel, W, S...................................— ....... ........ Hughey, Mary E----------------- ------------- ----- 568 62 532 511 723 263 506 326 313 195 451 71 146 133 752 562 709 197 723 447 63 94 464. 536, 590, 753 73 65 750 636 18 646 69 135 265 742 449 668 729 121 321 134 186 234 741 144 36
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