December 1926
T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
C rusaders A rraign Modernists .................... C hristm as a t Bethlehem................................ Courage (Poem) ............................. .................. Church Built of G rindstones.....— ......—... C hrist Our Passover (P oem )........................ Can Boys Be Interested in Bible Study?.. * Dwell Deep (Poem ) .................................... E aster (Poem ) .................... - ......................—• Elder L i's Hymn of V ictory .......................... Excavations Near Jacob's W ell.................— Excavations a t “Booktown**— F acts About the Bible...— ............- Face the F acts.............. — ............. Cod's Word to His Children.......................... “God in His W ord" (P oem )....................—. God's Word to His Children (Poem )..—. “God’s. W ay" and the "W ay of the W orld" (Poem ) ............................ — "God's W ay" And the W ay of God-Given Doxologies • ..................................................... "H e Is Counting On You" (Poem )...— His Chosen P ath For Thee............... Hymn of T hanksgiving............ .................—... Inasmuch (Poem ) ..........................X ......——■ Tn Quietness and Confidence Shall be Your Strength ............... —................... Is Dancing Degrading? ..... Jerusalem ...............................................— . John's Gift .........- .......................... L et Us Have Peace ........................................... Lord's Testimony to the Power of the Jew Life E ternal (Poem ) ............................ ........ L ight A fter Darkness(P oem )....................—.. Lincoln — — —....................— — . ■ May We Have (Poem ). ............ —... M ary's Gift (Poem ) ............... .... ' Men Would Take His B right Crown....— Making a S ta rt in C hrist................ .—.......-. My Best (Poem ) ............................. ...l—........ Newness of Life (Poem ).......,........... .... New Every Morning (Poem)...'...— My Platform (Poem ) ........................ ... Oh Day of Joy and Gladness I (Poem )..— Our Sure Refuge (Poem ).....—....—— . Parental A uthority in the Home............—. P ithy P aragraphs ........ 10.5, 167, 228, 298, 362, 429, 490, 540, 589, 667, R esurrection (Poem ) ...... ............. Rally Call for Fundam entalists.....— — Religion .................................................... ^.......... Revival Fires in Bible Lands ..................—. Spread it Before the Lord (P oem )............. Strange L etter C arriers .................................. Song of P raise (P oem ).................................... Soul-W inning and Sword-W ielding.—..—— Take C hrist to be Holy (P oem )..............—.. Teach Me ( Poem ) ........................................—.. Thanksgiving (Poem ) ................................... Thanksgiving—Spiritual ...................—... The Best Is Yet to Be..................... . The Best Book (Poem ).............................. The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inaugurates Field D epartm ent.................. The Child Exceeding Fair (P oem )............. The Church (Poem ) ......................................... The Cross and the Scriptures (P oem )—. The C rusader's “ If" (P oem )........................ “The D eparture Which is Far, Far B etter" "T u t" E xcavator's Death L aid to Poison Secreted in Tomb ........................................ The F irst C hristm as .................................,— The Giving A lphabet............................... “The Glory T hat Excelleth" (P oem )......... The L ight of C hristm as................— ........ The Lord's P rayer....... ..................................... The Love of H is Appearing (P oem )—....... The Magi ( Poem )........................................ The Mythical Made Memorable................— The Ocean V ast (P oem )............................... The P ath of the-1,Saviour (P oem )..— ....... The Place of Places (P oem )......................... The Prophetic Testimony of Philadelphia ■ -The Reason Why..— The R esurrection (Poem ) ............................ — The Story of Ugo Naltada......—..........— The Supreme Value of Love..—.—..... The Sunday School Lesson Helps for 1927 The Way of the W ord.......... WThe Word, the Same: the Work, the Same: Its W inning Power, the Samel.... Three V ital Questions Satisfactorily Answered .................—— To T ravelers and Imm igrants........ —.............. Touching the Untouchables in India...——. Twentieth Anniversary of the Fisherm en's Club .....•.............................. Unoffered Y et (Poem ).—..— —.............. W ashington —— . . . . — W hat the Bible Says About the Modern ist and the Fundam entalist...................... W aiting for the King (P oem ).................... When Jesus W alked by Galilee (Poem ).— When the King Shall Come (Poem )...— . Where P rayer W as W ont to be Made......... Why Song W riters a re O ften Accused of Plagiarism ......................................... 488 790 366 614 628 714 379 196 199 668 728 759 763 764 255 764 461 752 100 322 621 462 477 715 62 768 558 502 201 203 355 549 730 85 188 382 427 198 555 162 758 193 527 718 422 384 28 681 789 II 451 630 632 104 452 694 702 761 195 626 251 767 706 762 . 8 777 237 130 705 74 131 522 463 257 760 200 158 144 392 718 7JJ 59 30 191 148 560 326 72 59 106 453 128 711 728 787
328 Ambrim ............................................................ 449 Mr. Books, Mr. Hunter, Mr.Kellogg.......... 581 Mr. Don T urner............327 Mr. Horton .................................................. 707 Mrs. Lindberg and Miss Hauken Grinding a t the Mill ...................................................... 719 Mr. Mitchell and Doh-si-lah (“The Brave Man Ready forA ctio n ")................. 13 w/}Mrs. McAnlis ......... 581 Mr. O. H. B ettes in His Gospel £ar..........., 715 Mr. V artan A tchinak ....... 568 New Auditorium E astland B aptist Church 456 New York Bible SocietyP arade............... 390 Oleanders Bordering the Upper Jordan.... 410 Pagoda a t Rangoon.......................................... 314 Pandita Ramabai ................................................ 280 Parade of Natives andB eggars........... 710 Pilgrim s Ascending Sacred Mountain China ............................................................ - 270 Philip Mauro ............................... 229 "P rayer Room" .......................................... 728 Presentation of 5600 Bibles— Ocean Grove Auditorium ..................... 509 Rev. B ritton Ross .............. - ............................ 455 Rev. John McNeill............................................ 620 Rev. and Mrs. Huling......... ............... —- ....... 5 8 1 Rev. Van V. Eddings......................................... 135 Rhodes S. Baker...—'........ ................................^ 259 Santa Fe Railroad Shopmen..................... 209 Scene in Battlefield near Damascus...—... 156 Scenery in China ............................................— 252 Scenes of Palestine Life...................... 637 Scene a t Sacred Canges River, Benares, India ........................................— 127 Sen Seo Nien........——......— .....---- ........... 346 Southwest Bible and M issionary Conference Group ..............................................14 Sum atra M arriage Ceremony..,—.................. 386 Sun Lin Gao........ ........... 346 Sunday School a t Biola Hall........ 723 Syrian Wells . __ _— .................71 Tiberias, and the Sea of Galilee................... 331 The B athing C hats of the Ganges............. 204 The Dooryard of N azareth................................ 133 The F irst Christmas............................ 706 The Holly-Hock, which Grows on Mount Carmel ................. 344 The House th a t was Built for $200............. 460 “The Lady Chapel" of Gloucester C athedral .......................... .. 712 The Mammy and Daddy of all Evolutionists ............................................. — 329 “The Old Oaken Bucket" in China............. 647 The Rugged Road of N azareth...................... 554 The Sea of Galilee............................................ 571 The San Antonicr Mission S c h o o l . 512 The Via Dolorosa— Jerusalem .................. 192 The Wailing Wall of the Jew s.....*............ 58 Trie Wopderful Sampan Pagoda.................. 194 Third G reat Annual Rally..........— .............. 219 Traveling in China............................................ 216 Twenty-seven Branches of the F irst P resbyterian Church of Seattle.—.... 190, 260 Where Gideon Chose His Three Hundred 525 W an Sen Chae .................................................... 346 MISCELLANEA A New Year Message (Poem ).—...'—..——.. 7 An Ideal Installation Sermon..............124 A Gospel L ighthouse in the Land of Our Lord —............................... .... 122 A Message For M inisters.................... 64 A "H arp W ith Many Melodious S trains 150 A Motto In Song........ — ........................... 397 Anti-Evolution Campaign Launched in North Carolina — —.................. 399 A Proclam ation ......................................—— 633 A Plea for P rayer..— ............................ 718 A Token of G ratitude................. 707 An Advent Hymn — .................... 771 A S ister's Tender T ribute to a Life of Consecrated Service .......................................785 Ask I Seek I Knock I.— ................ .............. — 704 An U rgent Plea*for the Bible Lands.—— 719 A C riticism of the Critic....................... — 268 A Christm as Message (P oem )............. 703 B etter Than Gold .................. 30 Brisbane Backs the Bible— .........— — 146 “B roadcasting" and “Listening In"—....... 234 B roadcasting th e Bible ...............................—.*715 Bobbed H air and Short S kirts in Siloam Springs ......................................... 788 Commonwealth -«¿K entucky ......................... 642 Come, L et Us Anew (P oem )—.......—..... 3 Channels of Blessings..—.......................... 318 451 Leaders and A ssistant Leaders Biola Evangelistic Bands— Hunan Bible Insti tute, China ............:...... ......................... ....... ®3 Lottie Clifford H asler and L ittle Daughter Olive ------- --------------------------------- -------- 725 Miss Florence M. Chaffee............................... 63 Miss Grace Ogg and Miss Leona Renkel 475 Miss Mary Slessor.—........... ......................... 469 Miss Pen Kuei Sin................................................407 Mount Benham, on the Islands of
The Aim of the A.A.A.A................................ 563 The American Association for the Advancement of A theism . ................. 504 The A ntichrist a Person............... . 636 The A uthority of the Holy Scriptures...... 561 The Bible: The W ord of God!....................... 197 The Bible: A L ittle Candle and a Big L ight .......................................................... 627 The oells of Bethlehem...................................... 709 “The C ertainty of Our Faith“ ...... ............. 330 The Confessions of a Law yer's Wife..389, 460 The Challenge of a New O rder................... 625 The Deity of Christ....................:.................. 5 14 The Devil and Hell............................................. 379 The F irst Thanksgiving Proclam ation...... 633 The H arvest ....................................... The Indoctrinated Life................................... 132 The Jew: The Source «of the W orld's Salvation and Sorrow ..........................189, 261 T he.M arks of the A ntichrist: Will Mussolini Fill the B ill?.................... 75 The Message of the C ross................. ....... 18 The Message T hat Forced the Rewriting of H istory..................................... 319 The Namel A M issionary Incident................. 267 The Passing of a South Sea Island Heathen Chief ................................................. 449 The Prom ised Land and the People........... 7 11 The P ro test of Common Sense..................... 387 The University and the S tate...................... 65 Three V ital Questions Answered........259, 332 The W ay to the T ru th ............................. V ictory Over Death............................................ 266 We A re Debtors to the Boys and Girls i f America — ................ .................. 187 W hat Every Christian Knows........ .. 121 Why Men Read the Scriptures................... 399 Why I am a Fundam entalist........................... 713 Will a Man Defend Himself and Not Defend C hrist and the Bible?................. 453 ILLUSTRATIONS A Bunch of Cyclomen on Hills W est of Jerusalem ...................,................-.............. . 468 A California Gardener and Her P ets........... 655 A Camel and the “Needle's Eye“ ................ 400 A Camel Train....,..................................... 268 “A City Called Nazareth'*............................. 67 A H istoric Rendezvous of Loiterers.......... 395 “A Lily of the Field in Bethlehem "........... 409 A Mru Fam ily ...................... ..................'•....... -426 A Quaint Hunanese Home...................... 342 Areopagus, Where Paul Preached............. 448 A Persian School Boy and his P rivate T utor ........ j —....................................... 388 A River P o rt in India.................................. . 565 A Roman Gateway .......................................— 442 A Scripture Class in Lebanon High School 122 A 300 Year Old Flour Mill in Japan.......... 339 B ethany Presbyterian Church, Philadel- phia. Pa. ........................ 126 Bible Conference Buildings a t Foot of Nan Yoh .........................................................- 277 Biola Evangelistic Band No. I— Hunan, China ................................................ 406 Biola Evangelistic Band No. 5, Hunan...... 640 B.I.O.L.A. Faculty ........................ -................... 481 Biola Men’s Glee Club.............- .............. . 357 Blanchard Memorial Building W heaton College ............................... 228 Blossoms from a Chinese Christian Family Tree ............. ................- — 269 Bulwarked A gainst the Bandit.............. 348 Chang Chung Chi ..........- ..................... -.......¿.—346 Chas. E. H urlburt and Theodore Roosevelt .................................... 498 Chas. E. H urlburt and T. C. H orton........... 498 Chinese Boatmen in Fishing Sm acks.......... 202 China's C hristian Army.—.............................. 264 Chinese and Foreigners on Steps of Main Temple a t Sacred Mountain of Nanyoh 25 Christine W alker—National Sec. A.A.A.A. 563 Compound Plan of Hunan Bible Institute.. 340 David L ivingstone ............................. Dean MacInnis ....................................... Drilling a well in a Jewish Colony... Dr. A. L. Shelton .................... . Dr. A rthur H. C arter ....................— Dr. A rthur T. Pierson........ ................... Dr. Boyd a t W ork................................... Dr. Mark A. M atthews......................... Dr. S trato n in the “Outdoor Pulpit". Dr. W. W. B ustard................................ Eliezar Fernandez.......................... 136 Euodia, Club Conference................ .........274, 275 Evangelistic Band No.4—Hunan................. 472 Evangelistic Band No. 8,Hunan,China.,.. 518 “ Fisherm en" ..........................................................718 General Chang ..........................-................. ........ 257 Geo. F. Guy ......................................................... 250 G raduates of Hunan Bible Institute........... 276 Groups a t the Bov School of the Bible Lands Gospel Mission........................... —~ 422 Group of Boys and Girls a t T ent Meeting of Mr. Reynolds .................................... 23 Hunan Billie Institute Band..............—......... 574 408 580 337 585 447 125 635 189 9 197
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