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&/#3&'r#3*&'4 FACULTÉS AFFAIBLIES Un homme de 43 ans, de Rockland, est accusé de conduite avec facultés affaiblies et de conduite avec un taux d’alcoolémie supérieur à 80 milli- grammes, à la suite d’une enquête de la police sur un incident de circulation survenu tôt le matin, sur le chemin de comté 17, le 22 décembre. Son permis de conduire a été suspendu sur place et son véhicule a été mis en fourrière pendant sept jours.– Gregg Chamberlain BURGLAR CAUGHT A 32-year-old Brampton man was caught and charged following a burglary attempt January 2, around 1:45 a.m., at a Rockland business. He is charged with mischief, which involves property damage, breaking-and-entering with intent to commit an indictable offence, and possession of burglary tools. His case is scheduled for the January 29 provincial court session in L’Orignal. – Gregg Chamberlain DRUNK DRIVER A 23-year-old Ottawa man faces several charges, after a December 17 traffic incident on Poupart Road in Rockland. The man is charged with impaired driving, driving with a blood-alcohol content exceeding 80 milligrams, driving with an open container of liquor in his vehicle, and not having his proof of insurance available. His driver’s licence was suspended on-site and his vehicle impounded for seven days.– Gregg Chamberlain

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adding that a final decision on the munici- pality’s federal application could be as soon as early spring, or as late as the start of summer. City administration presented council with a detailed report, last autumn, on the proposed community hub project. Desjardins emphasized that the overall cost of the pro- ject makes federal funding aid essential. “If we don’t get that grant,” he said, “we definitely won’t build the community hub.” Mayor Desjardins also hopes that the spring of 2020 will prove better than last year’s season. i8FIPQFXFEPOUHFUBOPUIFSáPPE u he said.

The new year is about a week old now, but the mayors of Clarence-Rockland and Alfred-Plantagenet already know what their resolutions are for trying to make their municipalities better. “It’s the same as when I first took office,” said Mayor Stéphane Sarrazin of Alfred-Plan- tagenet Township, also emphasizing fiscal responsibility. “I want to keep on improving communications with our citizens. And I want to manage the municipality’s ‘wallet’ like it was my own, and make our finances more efficient.” Mayor Sarrazin noted that the township administration has changed over the past year with a new chief administrator, new trea- surer, and new municipal clerk taking over the posts after their predecessors, retired or moved on to new positions. He expects that 2020 will see the new administration “up to speed” on all issues, concerns, and needs of the community, and able to advise council on how to best tackle various issues. “I think we have some great people in all these positions,” Sarrazin said. Four-lane connection Mayor Guy Desjardins knows what munici- pal new year’s resolution he would like to see achieved for the City of Clarence-Rockland. i8FSFIPQJOHUPHFUBIFBENPSFPOUIF four-laning situation,” Desjardins said during a January 6 phone interview.

The goal of a four-lane connection between Rockland and Orléans-Ottawa has been a long-standing issue for the municipa- MJUZ&YQBOEJOHUIF$PVOUZ3PBE)JHIXBZ MJOLCFUXFFOUIFUXPDPNNVOJUJFTXPVME improve traffic flow, eliminate choke points along the Cumberland village section of the route, and reduce the risk of accidents. Mayor Desjardins also hopes the muni- cipality will receive some good news from Ottawa, on its application for funding aid for the proposed “community hub” project to revamp some municipal facilities, like the Jean-Marc Lalonde Arena, and repurpose them for other uses. “There would be good (future) savings if we could get that money,” said Desjardins, Guy Desjardins espère voir plus de progrès cette année, concernant les plans pour la construction future des quatre voies de la route 174 reliant Rockland et Orléans-Ottawa. —archives Pour 2020, les maires de Clarence- Rockland et d’Alfred-Plantagenet réitèrent leurs résolutions passées pour améliorer leurs municipalités respectives. Le maire Stéphane Sarrazin (ci-dessus) veut continuer à améliorer la communication entre lui, le conseil et les résidents du canton d’Alfred-Plantagenet. Le maire

For 2020 the mayors of Clarence- Rockland and Alfred-Plantagenet are repeating their past resolutions for making their respective municipalities better. Mayor Stéphane Sarrazin wants to continue improving communication between himself, council and the residents of Alfred-Plantagenet Township. Mayor Guy Desjardins (above) hopes to see more progress this year on plans for future four- laning of the highway connection between Rockland and Orléans-Ottawa. —archives

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