Synergy PT Sports Med March 2018

How a Balanced Media Diet Bolsters Child Development Wait — Screen Time Is Good for Kids?

account is the content of the electronic media.

allowing them to apply the lessons of technology to real life, and even after that, the APP recommends that media consumption should be limited to “high- quality programming, such as the content offered by Sesame Workshop and PBS.” But for kids ages 5 and up, parents should avoid banning screen time outright, but function as their child’s media mentor. Instead of decrying time spent building complex structures in “Minecraft” as hours that could be spent on the soccer field, we should set expectations and boundaries to ensure that children can deepen their experience of the world through media, not hamper it. The problem starts not with the screen itself, but when the consumption of media becomes problematic, replacing regular face-to-face interactions and physical activity. But with a balanced media diet, kids can have the best of both worlds.

If a child spends two hours a day bingeing episodes of “The Big Bang Theory” or screaming obscenities into a headset while playing “Call of Duty,” it’s going to negatively impact their experience of the world along with their mental and physical health. But not all content is created equal. In the past, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommended strict limits on electronic engagement for kids, following the old line of thinking that any kind of screen time would be better spent climbing a tree or running in the backyard. But in October of 2016, they offered new recommendations for parents. For infants and young toddlers, the research still sides pretty heavily against the use of iPads and television. Before 18 months of age, a child lacks the cognitive capabilities

I f you Google the effects of screen time on children, you’re sure to be bombarded with horror stories. Numerous articles claim that, beginning in infancy, the more time a child spends in front of a TV, phone, or computer, the worse their developmental outcomes will be. At first glance, the research is utterly conclusive. It seems we should throw out every TV in our house, smash our kids’ smartphones, and usher our children into the great outdoors as soon as possible. But what most of these studies fail to take into


All of our testimonials are special and mean so much, and this week we are featuring an athlete from the community who has a lot of ties to Synergy. He stopped in to tell us some great news regarding his academic and athletic careers. He has a lot to look forward to. Here’s what he had to share: “My time at Synergy was great. Everyone here really cares and wants you to get better. My last time here, I worked through a shoulder injury, and without the help of Synergy, I don’t think I would have had the success that I did. Without that success, I wouldn’t have gotten the attention of Wisconsin-Lutheran College. WLC is a small school, but it has everything I want academically, and the coaches really want me there. I attribute some of what made me appealing to these coaches to working hard both at Synergy and in high school. My experience here does give me a bit of a head start as I pursue my degree in exercise science.” –Errick Brooks 2

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