Welcome to the Term 3 issue of Inspire. This publication is the expression of student voice at The Lakes and showcases the amazing learning that happens everyday on both campuses. Cover Art by Ciara L
2022 Issue 03
Inspire .
01 Acknowledgement of Country 02 Student Report Primary SRC 03 Learning through AUSLAN in Prep 04 SWPBS in Action! Year One 05 Digital Learning 06 Hands on Numeracy Year Two 08 Democracy, Community & Me Year Three 10 Literacy in Year Four 12 Camp Reflections Year Five 14 How is Electricity Generated? Year Six 16 Community Connections 18 Art through Textiles Primary Art 20 Interschool Sport Primary Sport
21 Learning through Dance Primary Music 22 The Folk Tale of Humpty Dumpty English 24 Indonesian at The Lakes LOTE 26 VIA Design Challenge Design Technology 27 Year 8 Basketball Sport
28 Secondary Band Instrumental Music 29 Respiratory System Reflections Science 30 Innovation Project Year Ten Peer Mediators 31 Textiles Product Design 32 Legal Studies Excursion Humanities 34 Wear it Purple Day VCAL 36 Vietnam Veterans Commemoration Assembly VCAL 37 Promoting Positive Change Food Technology
Cover artwork by Ciara L (Year 9)
Acknowledgement of Country
In the spirit of reconciliation, we at The Lakes South Morang College would like to say thank you to the traditional custodians throughout Victoria where we have continued to explore and engage in our learning this term. We pay respects to the Wurundjeri - Willam people of the Kulin Nation who have cared for the grasslands, the waterways, the animals, and sky where our Primary and Secondary campuses are placed. Through our ongoing learning and connection to land, stories, and cultures we share our journey this term through Inspire .
Student Report
Welcome to our SRC Primary Report for Term 3.
Our names are Kiara and Ishan and we are Year 6 SRC students at The Lakes. During Term 3 the SRC students have had lots of fun organizing events and helping students. The SRC students organised a Winter Woolies Day, to raise money for new sports equipment, including new basketball strings for the ring. We saw lots of students dressed up in their pjs, beanies and oodies! At 5/6 camp, we found a new sport that we loved, called the GaGa pit. The SRC students have been busy in meetings, planning to organise a day to raise money to build a GaGa pit for the students. During our meetings we ’ ve also talked about important Indigenous dates coming up so that we can support and acknowledge these days. The SRC students have organised a Footy Day for the second last day of Term 3 which will be exciting. We are planning to have games and prizes and a Footy Day parade! We ’ ve had a fun and exciting term and are looking forward to Term 4!
Learning through AUSLAN in Prep
Over the year we have been focusing on learning the language of AUSLAN. We have been learning how to communicate the alphabet and numbers through sign language. Learning AUSLAN helps increase memory retention and stimulate brain development. It also increases enjoyment in communicating for hearing and deaf children.
What have you learnt so far in AUSLAN? Anaya: We have been learning about letters
Be sure to watch our videos showcasing our AUSLAN learning in Prep
Rocco: Our numbers
Dhven: We have learnt the sign for the first letter of our names
Jack: We learnt the Alphabet
Bea: We know the signs for the ‘ We are one ’ and ‘ I can sign a rainbow ’ song .
What do you like about AUSLAN?
Anaya/Aashvi: I like learning the signs for the letters
What is AUSLAN?
Shaban: AUSLAN is a silent language
Krishnika: I like learning about numbers
Ellie: You can do a sign for hair.
Ellie B : I like that it is a silent language, we don ’ t talk when we use our hands to talk.
Shaban: I like learning the letter S for my name
What we like about the SWPBS Shop...
Matais: It feels good to get items from the SWPBS shop for showing our school values. Sitting down quietly with your listening ears is one way I got dojo points.
SWPBS in Action! The Year One students go to the SWPBS shop twice a term where they can spend their dojo points that they have earned. There are a wide variety of rewards that students can choose from.
Olivia: I like the shop because we get to have nice prizes and it is very fun to choose something nice for my good choices.
Isla: The shop was fun because we could reward ourselves for being good and getting all of our dojo points.
What we like about our SWPBS Classroom menu...
Imogen: We use the SWPBS classroom menu when we get time to colour, have a hot chip lunch or free time. It is cool!
Aleen: I spend my points on colouring and a movie. This is because I really enjoy these things.
Digital Learning
This term was National eSmart Week for The Lakes! The focus for 2022 has been “ Proud to be me, digitally. ” The students focused on 3 key questions are were able to choose a topic they were interested in. they were:
Who should be responsible online?
Who can you talk to if you need help online?
• How should we act online? Students created posters and shared their message and ideas across the school. Well done Lakes Legends!
Hands on Numeracy In Year 2, we love to learn new maths concepts by using hands on materials and games.
Throughout Term 3, we have been focusing on extending our understanding of different number operations. By using materials such unifix blocks, dice, MAB blocks, counters, pop sticks, snakes and ladders and playing cards we have been able to build our understanding of number in a fun and engaging way. We have also found, we can learn a lot from our peers by sharing our knowledge with each other and working as part of a team to achieve success in Maths!
Students were asked what they like about ‘ Hands on Maths ’ in Term 3:
Keira F: Hands on maths get you interested in learning maths
Jackson W: Hands on maths is quite fun because we get to do a lot exploring
Raastin L: Hands on maths let us move around room and use different objects to learn
Oscar S: Hands on maths is fun because you get to work with different people
Brooklyn N: Hands on maths is great because it has helps me with my skip counting Mason G: Hands on maths is good because I get to answer a lot of different questions
Emma D: Hands on maths games are very fun, we do it a lot in Year 2
Aria B: The best part of playing maths games is that it is really fun because I can learn about counting Pyper C: Hands on maths is great because the teachers always make it fun and are always there to help if you get stuck
Beatrice. R: Hands on maths is fun because you get to win the game
Deon M: Hands on maths is great because it has helped me to understand my numbers better Axel T: Hands on maths helps me to understand all of the things we do in maths Tadana C: Hands on maths helps me to understand all of the concepts we learn in maths
Democracy, Community & Me
Angie : I learnt the difference between a rule and a law. If you break a law, there will be a ‘ big ’ conse- quence and it ’ s illegal.
Anna : I learnt about Preference voting with numbers.
Kathy : I learnt how to make laws and what it ’ s like.
Addison : I learnt that if you are a candidate you can vote for yourself.
Ayoal : I learnt that you have to be 18 years old and over to vote.
Georgina : I learnt that when people vote, they get to have their say on different issues.
Steven : I learnt how to vote. I liked listening to each candidate. I was a candidate ‘ Bricks ’.
Harry : I learnt that voting is a big responsibility.
Zach : I liked learning about what you need to do when you vote.
Trinity : I learnt that a majority vote is half, plus one, of the total number voting. If the total vote was a tie, you go to the candidate that had the most 1st preference votes.
Thomas : I learnt that democracy means, “ People Power ”.
James : I learnt that a democracy has to be fair and has to represent what the majority wants.
Connor : I learnt how the council works and that the head of council is the Mayor.
Isaac P: I enjoyed the experience of being a candidate in the election.
Literacy in Year Four This term the Year 4’ s learnt to write about Information Reports.
Roy : Learning about information reports was fun because I learnt more facts about Polar Bears. I learnt that Polar Bear hybrids exist. It ’ s when a Grizzly bear and a Polar bear trait are in one body.
Vishal : I enjoyed learning about new facts about elephants. I didn ’ t know that elephants were one of the biggest animals and I also didn ’ t know that they can hold 30 cans of water in their trunk.
Dustin : I liked working on my
information report. I did mine on Arctic Foxes. I learnt that Arctic Foxes change colour each season.
We learnt about Indigenous art and had to create our own piece of artwork and then write a story to interpret their art.
Year Five Camp Reflections This term the Year 5’ s went on ADANAC camp in week 5 - here are some of their reflections.
Matai : During camp there were many amazing activities such as the flying fox and many more. My favourite activity was the flying fox, I got to do a dance move on there. Camp is a place where you and your friends can relax and have fun. Even at night you can do activities such as the movie and the late - night walk. Neha : My most favourite part of camp was when everyone would have a group and we would all set off doing our activities. I loved doing the flying fox and seeing everyone cheering and having fun. All the staff were very kind and I really appreciated how they made the food OUTRAGEOUSLY DELICIOUS! I look forward doing this again next year! Thank you to all staff and teachers for letting this happen.
Jana : Well I think camp was the most amazing place to have fun with friends. The food was delicious and tasty. I am pretty sure anyone else who goes to camp will have a great time. The activities were brilliant and my favourite activities were canoeing and the flying fox.
Lachie : Camp was so fun. My favourite activities were Gaga ball and Disc golf. The food was so good, especially the chicken parma. And it was so fun spending so much time with my friends and being able to run around the big gym.
Alexia : Camp was soooo fun, there were so many activities, my favourite one was canoeing and flying fox. When Liv went on the flying fox, she looked terrified. I would love to go again. There was camp cooking and something called a Gaga pit. Most of the time for cooking we just burnt sticks but we also made damper. It was mostly burnt but still tasted alright. We also went on a night walk with everyone ’ s flash lights, and on the last night we watched Buzz Lightyear with popcorn! It was so fun, I had an amazing time.
How is Electricity Generated?
In Term 3 students in Year 6 have been investigating the question ‘ How is Electricity Generated? ’ We visited Earth Ed. in Ballarat where we learnt about static electricity and electrical circuits. Using the Makey Makey we explored the connections between circuits and coding.
Year 6 students investigated sources of renewable energy, creating models with working circuits and writing explanation texts to support and share our understanding.
Community Connections
Term 3 has seen an enormous amount of fun and collaboration with our littlest buddies at our neighbouring local Kindergartens. Early in Term 3 our Year 5 mentor students represented our school showing their fantastic communication and leadership skills when we visited Gumboots Early learning Centre. They engaged the kinder kids in various play based activities and even got to help out during a cooking experience making banana muffins. Our mentor students again embodied our Lakes School Values of Respect, Leadership, Learning and Teamwork when we visited our friends at Little Learners Early Education and Kindergarten. We began the session with some reading followed by lots of creative and engaging developmental play. A great time was had by all.
We were lucky to then welcome our littlest friends from Little Learners into our learning spaces. After reading a story together our Prep students were able to take on a big buddy role when they helped the kinder kids complete a reading response activity. Later in the term we welcomed our friends from Paradise Kids Children ’ s Centre. Again we were able to provide a valuable school setting experience for our neighbours. We read a story together and completed a comprehension response to the book together with our Preps. We were so impressed at how the kinder kids independently entered the classroom and engaged with the activity. Afterwards we went to our Library where the children were able to browse the shelves and select their own books to look at. We have absolutely loved building these relationships with our local kindergarten students and colleagues. We are looking forward to many more fun times ahead!
Art on Primary
Adriana B: Art at the Lakes is all about being creative and having fun. You can make anything you imagine, from paintings to drawings, to even sewing! This year the Lakes will put on an art show for everyone to see all the beautiful artworks at the end of the year. There have also been competitions where you can enter your artwork into and if you win you get a prize of art supplies! Art at the Lakes is a wonderful place to relax and be creative! This term artists have been given the choice to create art and learn new skills using textiles and fibre arts such as sewing, yarn painting, weaving, making fabric collages, soft toys and pillows. They have learnt that textiles come in all shapes and forms and are essential to their everyday life. Please check the amazing artworks that our artists have been working on by clicking on this link: https://sites.google.com/education.vic.gov.au/ the - lakes - south - morang - college/home
Primary Interschool Sport This term has been a VERY BUSY term for interschool sport with multiple events happening through out the term.
These events have included;
Athletics, Congratulations to Mikallen, Lehi, Hunter, Donny, Eva, Ajak, Mannat and Noah MT for placing 1 st or 2 nd in their event and going through to the division finals 3/4 Hooptime, the first opportunity for interschool competition for many of our year 3 and 4’ s.
5/6 Tee ball
rd place
Girls AFL – 3
Boys Netball – Runners Up
Division Netball – Our girls placed second overall in the division finals. (1 st would have had them compete at the state level)
Well done to all students who tried out for and/or represented our school.
Learning through Dance
During Term 3 Performing Arts we learned some traditional dances from all around the world. Including Indian dancing, African dancing and many more. We had so much fun during the cultural dances but also during the Under the Water dance in preparation for our end of year concert. We learned about fad dances including the Macarena and Time Warp. We also made our own dances and became choreographers. Term 3 was extremely fun because Claire makes it fun. - Mia 5B This term we did yoga and dance body warm ups. We watched different dance styles from around the world. We learned about the elements of dance too and created dances based on these. In choir we learned about voice warm ups and are learning a challenging song for our end of year concert. - Jahmin 5B
Indonesian at The Lakes
Good afternoon, or selamat siang. Our school introduced the Indonesian Language to Year 7 at the beginning of this year. Not only do students learn the language, they also learn about Australia ’ s closest neighbour and its diverse cultures. For many students, it has been surprising to learn that Indonesia ’ s population is over 270 million people - almost all of them speak Indonesian, and most of them speak another local language. In our once - a - week class, students learn to express ideas in Indonesian. This term we learnt how to greet people, to count, to do a short self - introduction, to express likes and dislikes, and hold a short conversation about planning to do an activity. Students also engaged with self - paced learning through an online platform, Education Perfect (EP). Many students enjoy using EP and have been showing a good learning progress. The image below shows students ’ engagement in EP learning tasks.
What follows is some student reflections about learning Indonesian and their self - paced learning with EP.
“ This semester we learnt so much about Indonesian and a lot of it is online via Education Perfect. We learn so many things in Bahasa Indonesia. We leant how to greet people, how to count to 100 and much more. I have so much fun working on Education Perfect because there is little to no errors. Learning is so easy and clear and it is very easy to access. I have learned so much on Education Perfect with not much difficulties. I would love to use Education Perfect for more subjects, it makes learning much easier and much better overall. ” Jacob
“ This semester we learn about greeting people in Indonesian and different activity verbs. We learn half of this from Education Perfect. We have a lot of fun working in Education Perfect, and we think that other subjects and teachers should work on this as well. In Term 1 we learnt about counting to 100. In Term 2 we learnt about different actions and greetings, and it was also the same term when the class was introduced to Education Perfect. In Term 3, which is right now, we have been learning how to speak and write sentences in Indonesian. On Education Perfect we have been learning different things like greetings, colors, animals, many different actions, numbers, and much more. We would love to use Education Perfect more in the future and hope to use it more in different other subjects. ” Jaden and EQ
“ Education perfect is an extraordinary website which improved my Indonesian learning. Each section on the website was dedicated to one topic, for example one would be based on colours, it would show either a video or photo and have multiple selections of answers which elucidated the meaning of the question. I enjoyed this website because it also included a DASH section which reflected on what you just leant but you would compete against others to see your capability of that topic. ” Abbie
The Folktale of ‘Humpty Dumpty’ Information Report by Abbie Q,
A brief history of England
The purpose of the folktale
This folktale took place in Colchester, England. After a course of conflicts known as the English civil war (1642 – 1651) between King Charles ’ supporters (Cavaliers) and Oliver Cromwell ’ s supporters (Roundheads). King Charles was found guilty of treason and was executed outside the Banqueting House in Whitehall. Oliver Cromwell was the principal commander of the New Model Army and he was also a participant in King Charles death and then defeated the candidate to the throne, Charles II. During 1653 Cromwell was offered the crown, but refused it. Colchester happened to be the capital of Britain a long time ago but the capital is now London.
The purpose of Humpty Dumpty the nursery rhyme and folktale, represents a great cannon from a battle in the English Civil War. This text is a folktale because it includes personified, talking creatures such as an egg. On a deeper level Humpty - Dumpty represents the king at the time, Charles I (whom the Royalists obeyed). He married Catholic Henrietta Maria which had offended many English protestants. He had also only reassembled parliament so he could raise funds to get money when he ran out. This was because he had wasted all the money on extravagant overseas wars, which had made the parliamentarians furious, as well as the fact that Charles believed he should have all power throughout the kingdom. The parliamentarians were the ones fighting for their land against the Royalists (cavaliers) who were obeying their leader, King Charles, to hold off the parliamentarians from destroying Humpty Dumpty and saving their land. The purpose of this folktale is to show the audience that behaving hubristically and tyrannically can lead to terrible consequences.
Origins of the story
The folktale of Humpty dumpty and the fall of Colchester started back around 1648 in England in a small town called Colchester, around this time the English Civil War was on. The siege of Colchester went on for about eleven weeks (13 Jun 1648 - 27 Aug 1648) and roughly 85,000 troops were killed during the course of this time. Humpty - Dumpty was mounted on a very large tower which was actually part of St. Mary ’ s Church. The nursery rhyme of Humpty - Dumpty was published in 1797.
The old siege house in Colchester which still has bullet holes (located on East street).
Colchester back in the 20 th century
Description of the characters
Story of the siege The folktale Humpty Dumpty and the fall of Colchester began back in the 17 th century while the English civil war was going on. The parliamentarians (Roundheads) and the royalists (Cavaliers) who were faithful to the king had fought a countless amount of ferocious battles across the towns and countryside. Colchester happened to be one of these towns. In 1648 the royalist army had attacked, taking the city under control by the order of King Charles. The royalist forces had an enormous cannon nicknamed ‘ Humpty Dumpty ’, anthropomorphised (humanised) egg in the nursery rhyme/folk tale. One - Eyed Jack Thompson of Colchester owned Humpty Dumpty. The reason this war had begun was because Charles I wanted to rule the kingdom independently but the parliamentarians wanted more power and wished to be involved. When Charles ignored their commands, the parliamentarians were furious.
Charles I
In this folktale, King Charles I is one of the main characters. Charles was born on the 19 th of November 1600. Even though Charles ’ personality wasn ’ t the most cooperative he had self - belief and was a strong - willed leader. This had helped him get crowned king on the 27 th of March 1625. Charles had black shoulder length hair with a lighter brown/ ginger beard. He had become heir apparent of the kingdoms of England, Scotland and Ireland around 1612 upon the death of his brother, Henry Frederick, Prince of Wales. This helped him prepare for his political dream to be a King. Charles I was defeated in a civil war, was found guilty of treason by the Parliamentarians (his enemies) and was executed by beheading on January 30, 1649.
During the siege of Colchester, the parliamentarians ended up shooting one big shot into St. Mary ’ s Church making Humpty Dumpty tumble to the ground, unable to be resurrected. The royalists tried their hardest to hoist the cannon back on to the wall but there was no point, it was too heavy. A year later, King Charles I was executed for his behaviour.
Humpty - Dumpty
Another main character is Humpty - Dumpty. In history it was a cannon used in the siege of Colchester but in the nursery rhyme Humpty - Dumpty is represented as an egg. Humpty - Dumpty actually represents King Charles. The reason why he is known as King Charles is because Charles thought he could win the siege of Colchester all on his own and hold on to his kingdom. He was not as strong as he thought. Charles was arrogant and overconfident and didn ’ t realise how fragile he was, which shows when Humpty - Dumpty “ has a great fall ” and tumbles to the ground and breaks.
Humpty - Dumpty the ancient cannon
VIA Design Challenge 7C VIA went on an excursion to Whittlesea tech school on the 17 th of June 2022. We designed some different ways to improve the design of farmwall ’ s aquaponics system. We were assigned random groups to work on this project. We went off in split groups to learn how to; create an app, use DigiTech and use micro bits. In our teams of 2 - 3, we faced fun challenges, such as building our own aquaponic system out of cardboard and fixing the problems that we thought were most relevant. We worked well, got our work done, and had fun doing it. 7C VIA worked on a poster that had four sections to help get ideas across; magic, if we had magic, worst, our worst ideas, money, if we had all the money in the world and safe, our safest ideas. The challenge that our group was set on was the gravel getting caught in the filter. Our group came up with a solution of silk plants at the bottom of the tank. We thought of that so the roots of the plants could grow around the gravel to hopefully hold it in place. We also thought of putting mesh on the bottom of the filter in case any gravel got loose. Farmwall is a company that designs for the future, by creating autocrops. What are autocrops? Autocrops are a system that helps you to create microgreens in the comfort of your own home. Farmwall has a system called aquaponics. The system works in a way where you feed the fish so that they can feed the plants. The plants will then feed the humans so that the humans can feed the fish and continue the cycle. Farmwall has a vision to create nourished plants, educated communities and regenerative food systems by 2030. I enjoyed the design challenge because we got to learn how to use empathy in design, we learnt how to get along with different people, we cracked jokes and made memories we will never forget. We learnt about challenges we, as a class could fix, we gave our very best ideas, we learnt how to build sustainably, and learnt that to fix big problems we have to look at smaller problems first. Mia, 7
Year 8 Basketball On the 24th of August, the year 8 hoop time team went off to represent our school at Mill Park Basketball Stadium. During this day we went to play a range of schools and our final record was 3 wins and 3 losses. We started our day off by going up against Whittlesea Secondary, a school that had a very strong team. Our first half was really good, and we outrun them. Unfortunately, we fell off in the second half and lost 15 - 31. With our spirit broken and our heads down, we quickly picked ourselves up and moved ahead. Next up we had Hazel Glen Secondary ’ s B team, and we were hungrier to win than ever. From the tip off, we were a different side. Shots were flying in effortlessly; our ball movement was superb and we were back on track. We ended up winning 26 - 12, a huge boost for our confidence. Up next was Mill Park Secondary. This game was crucial for us to keep momentum, and we perfected that. A turnover led to a strong fast break, smart passes led to buckets and the end was result was 43 - 6. This was a mighty win for us. Mernda Secondary was our next opponent. The courage and confidence led us to a great start, but our brave effort was cut short with the final score being 16 - 29. The Hazelglen A team followed, the eventual champions of the day. They had every advantage, height, rebounding, and speed, but our passion was too much for them at the end of the first half. It was a one score game at half time, our passion and energy stunning the competition favourites. Our slim chances of winning grew by a long mile. The second half started, and we lost track. We ended up losing 19 - 46, but our effort made us winners in the end.
We finished the day with a win over Epping SC. Well done to all the boys who made the day a success and dedicated themselves throughout the term to be well prepared for the day. Zaf P & Toby L
Secondary Band Earlier this year, students from the Year 9 music program formed a band and began to rehearse at lunchtime. Together we chose some of our favourite songs from artists like Rihanna, Mariah Carey, Childish Gambino and Metallica. With help from our teacher Andrew, we were able to rehearse these songs and perform at Song, Dance, Art and Drama Night. During our rehearsals we work on our individual parts, and then play together as a band. We talk to each other and plan rehearsals on teams so we don ’ t waste any time at our lunchtime rehearsals. We hope to perform some new songs we have learnt later in the year at a lunchtime concert for the Secondary Campus.
What do you Enjoy Most about the Year 9 Band?
I enjoy learning new songs and working with our teacher Andrew – Jesse. H
I love playing the drums in the band - Bella. E
I enjoy jamming with my friends and hearing us improve each week – Aiden. J
Respiratory System Reflections
Throughout this project what we had to do was create a visual and informative project about the respiratory system and discovered how the respiratory system functions. The respiratory system consists of organs and structures that allow us to breathe by taking in oxygen and expelling carbon dioxide. The main parts include the lungs, nasal cavity, sinuses, blood vessels, and various air passageways. The airways (nose, mouth, pharynx, larynx etc.) allow air to enter the body and into the lungs. The lungs work to pass oxygen into the body, whilst removing carbon dioxide from the body. Once air has been inhaled, it passed through the airways until it reaches the alveoli within the lungs. Alveolus are surrounded by capillaries, through which the gasses enter and exit. Carbon dioxide enters the alveolus, where oxygen is extracted and passed back into the body. The main function of the respiratory system is inhaling and exhaling, exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the lungs and bloodstream, exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the bloodstream and tissues, creating vibration of the vocal cords to produce sound and helping with the sense of smell. In this project, we worked in a group of 3 where we all applied our teamwork skills for this assessment. We used communication and cooperation to finish the project within 5 sessions. The complications we overcame were resizing our model as it was too big to fit in the lungs, and one of our team members was absent which slowed our progress down.
Nathan, Justin and Sheena
Innovation Project This term, the Year 10 Peer Support Leaders, conducted discovery interviews and gathered data from students about ways to improve and develop our school. We ran surveys asking questions like ‘ Tell us 3 ways to best describe the school ’, ‘ positives and negatives of being a student at The Lakes ’ and ‘ Ways to increase senior school engagement. ’ We surveyed around 5 students from each homegroup in year levels 7 - 10 to get a broad range of data. We then collated this data into a PowerPoint, showcasing the main points of the data. As leaders we then presented students feedback to the Secondary staff at their staff meeting; this was a nerve - racking process but in the end was very rewarding and insightful. The student leaders then joined the teachers in their cohort spaces to discuss the information shared by the students. This was an important survey because it gave the teachers insightful information on how students feel they are represented at the school and some ways they think that the school could improve on student engagement. The student leaders gave ideas to teachers about things they ’ re doing well and areas they can improve; and also gave helpful tips to improve. Our school captains also being there gave insight to the VCE curriculum and how the structure is, so the teachers could create ideas around that. We had a fun time presenting to the teachers and getting our ideas listened to and having a voice, which rarely happens at other schools. This was an insightful experience, helped us gain confidence for public speaking and developed our people skills for the future. We look forward to continuing to work with teachers and students to further improve our experience as students at The Lakes.
Eliza R (year 10 Peer Support Leader)
With the return to onsite learning the Textiles room has been buzzing with creative energy! For the first time at The Lakes the subject 10 Product Design Textiles is running! The students have been learning a range of techniques to create decorative designs on fabric, such as exploring different themes and processes for surface pattern repeat systems. The Year 10s have demonstrated independence and innovation in how they have applied these skills to design their own fabric, which they will later make into their own Textile products. I have been learning the different ways of printing with the mediums of linocut and paint, as well as the way each aspect of our design impacts our “ clients ”. I enjoyed enhancing my skills when it comes to lino however got challenged when it came to making it symmetrical, overcoming with a series of trial and error. Jessica D In Textiles I have been learning how to carve a shape into lino and then using inks to print my shape onto different fabrics, such as calico, to create a pattern. I particularly enjoy creating a design and then carving the design onto the lino. In my test printing process, I originally used screen printing ink which was too thin and wouldn ’ t spread evenly over my design, to overcome this we swapped the ink to block printing ink which worked better. Taylor H The class has been painting fabrics using different techniques such as tape resist, dry brush, wet brush, layering and stamping. We have also started to create lino stamps that we used to print on fabric, and we will make a handmade pillow as part of our CAT. This term I have enjoyed the tape resist painting, because once the paint is dry I can peel the tape back which is satisfying to me. Cassie M
Legal Studies Excursion
As part of VCE Legal Studies, students in Year 11 went on an excursion to the Old Melbourne Gaol to participate in the City Watch House tour and courtroom drama in the Old Melbourne Magistrates course. A small number of Year 10s interested in doing Legal Studies in the senior school next year and some Year 12s currently doing Legal Studies this year were also given an opportunity to participate in the excursion.
Adrian (Year 11) – “ I learnt that sexting is more serious than I thought it was and the possible outcomes that the defendant could get because of the crime. Also being a judge was super fun. ” Jess (Year 11) – “ I learnt that it is very serious and I would hate to be in jail. There is very limited amount of activities that you can do as a prisoner such as only being able to go to the yard which is basically a room and having to be in your cell the entire night. I learnt that this trial process was very serious even for a sexting case. I also learnt more about being a court clerk. ” Jayde (Year 12) – “ I learnt that it is a place that is aimed only to hold people in custody. It cannot protect you, you have no privacy and have no access to the outside world. You are treated as a number and an object to be tried and nothing more. You are spoken to aggressively without remorse no matter who you are, creating an even playing field. ”
Wear it Purple Day
Walking down the learning street full of students and teachers, makes you wonder how could anyone feel like they don't belong. Same uniform. Same school. Same planet. It seems impossible doesn ’ t it. But what if you weren ’ t like everyone else? What if you knew you were different?
Year 11 VCAL this semester, learnt about Advocacy. Which means speaking up for someone, helping and supporting people that maybe can ’ t help themselves. We chose Wear it Purple Day to help raise awareness and support for anyone in the LGBTQIA+ community. All we wanted was to be inclusive of all students and at the least educate anyone that had questions. We realised that you don ’ t have to scream it from the rooftops or convert your religion to be an ally. You just need to keep an open mind, show your support and provide opportunity so that all people have chance to feel included and belong at The Lakes. Several students and staff show up and wore it purple. They made or put on a bracelet and badge.
The Year 11 VCAL team would like to thank the allies, new and old for giving a voice and advocating to our cause.
- Year 11 VCAL students
Vietnam Veterans Commemoration Assembly On Wednesday 31 st August the Year 12 VCAL students led a whole school assembly on the Secondary Campus. As part of their Personal Development Unit they undertook a partnership with the Greensborough RSL Vietnam Veterans to gain a deeper understanding of the hardships experienced by the veterans who fought in the Vietnam War. They heard deeply personal stories from John Joss and Hans Vanzwol who shared their experiences as young men on the battlefield and how their lives unfolded upon their return. Using this information, they created a presentation to raise other students ’ awareness and appreciation of the sacrifices of the veterans. Additionally the students were so moved by their learning that they undertook fundraising activities as part of their $20 Boss project and on the day of the assembly presented the proceeds to John and Hans.
The opportunity to lead and present to the whole school was a challenge for all of the students involved however they worked together to support each other during the planning phase, enabling them to speak and present confidently on the day. They truly lived up to their position as leaders in the school. As the inaugural Year 12 VCAL class they have set the bar high for future students as they seek opportunities to engage into community partnerships that benefit all stakeholders.
They shared general information about the impacts of war on the physical, mental and spiritual health as well as detailed information about the two veterans who so kindly shared their time and knowledge with the class. Students gave up their personal time on the weekend to attend the commemoration ceremony at Greensborough, laying a wreath on behalf of the school.
Promoting Positive Change The Year 12 Food Studies students underwent a SAC where we had to make recipes that promoted animal welfare. Apart of our studies we have been studying the impact of animal welfare on food production and what we as a society can do to encourage a positive change in this aspect. Some of the dishes we made for this SAC were:
Pumkin and ricotta ravioli (free range eggs in the pasta)
• Free range chicken and spinach cannellini (free range eggs in the pasta)
Free range chicken and corn pie
Tofu stir fry
Potato gratin using soy milk and coconut cream
Creamy Tuscan chicken pasta (free range chicken)
Spinach and ricotta crespelle
Everything we made from scratch including the pasta and crepes we used in the recipes. We have now finished learning all the content we need to know for our exam and finishing up our final SAC ’ s. We will then begin the final weeks of studying before our exam. Throughout the year we have really enjoyed the experience of working individually during our practical sessions, which is different to the junior year levels. We have really enjoyed cooking and experiencing new foods and learning the science behind our cooking.
- Year 12 Food Studies
Primary Campus 275 Gordons Road, South Morang 3752 (03) 9404 9000
Secondary Campus 80 Jardier Terrace, South Morang 3752 (03) 9401 3919
aspire to inspire www.thelakes.edu.au
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