Inspire - Issue 03 2022

Democracy, Community & Me


Angie : I learnt the difference between a rule and a law. If you break a law, there will be a ‘ big ’ conse- quence and it ’ s illegal.

Anna : I learnt about Preference voting with numbers.

Kathy : I learnt how to make laws and what it ’ s like.

Addison : I learnt that if you are a candidate you can vote for yourself.

Ayoal : I learnt that you have to be 18 years old and over to vote.

Georgina : I learnt that when people vote, they get to have their say on different issues.

Steven : I learnt how to vote. I liked listening to each candidate. I was a candidate ‘ Bricks ’.

Harry : I learnt that voting is a big responsibility.

Zach : I liked learning about what you need to do when you vote.

Trinity : I learnt that a majority vote is half, plus one, of the total number voting. If the total vote was a tie, you go to the candidate that had the most 1st preference votes.

Thomas : I learnt that democracy means, “ People Power ”.

James : I learnt that a democracy has to be fair and has to represent what the majority wants.

Connor : I learnt how the council works and that the head of council is the Mayor.

Isaac P: I enjoyed the experience of being a candidate in the election.


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