VIA Design Challenge 7C VIA went on an excursion to Whittlesea tech school on the 17 th of June 2022. We designed some different ways to improve the design of farmwall ’ s aquaponics system. We were assigned random groups to work on this project. We went off in split groups to learn how to; create an app, use DigiTech and use micro bits. In our teams of 2 - 3, we faced fun challenges, such as building our own aquaponic system out of cardboard and fixing the problems that we thought were most relevant. We worked well, got our work done, and had fun doing it. 7C VIA worked on a poster that had four sections to help get ideas across; magic, if we had magic, worst, our worst ideas, money, if we had all the money in the world and safe, our safest ideas. The challenge that our group was set on was the gravel getting caught in the filter. Our group came up with a solution of silk plants at the bottom of the tank. We thought of that so the roots of the plants could grow around the gravel to hopefully hold it in place. We also thought of putting mesh on the bottom of the filter in case any gravel got loose. Farmwall is a company that designs for the future, by creating autocrops. What are autocrops? Autocrops are a system that helps you to create microgreens in the comfort of your own home. Farmwall has a system called aquaponics. The system works in a way where you feed the fish so that they can feed the plants. The plants will then feed the humans so that the humans can feed the fish and continue the cycle. Farmwall has a vision to create nourished plants, educated communities and regenerative food systems by 2030. I enjoyed the design challenge because we got to learn how to use empathy in design, we learnt how to get along with different people, we cracked jokes and made memories we will never forget. We learnt about challenges we, as a class could fix, we gave our very best ideas, we learnt how to build sustainably, and learnt that to fix big problems we have to look at smaller problems first. Mia, 7
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