Inspire - Issue 03 2022

Respiratory System Reflections

Throughout this project what we had to do was create a visual and informative project about the respiratory system and discovered how the respiratory system functions. The respiratory system consists of organs and structures that allow us to breathe by taking in oxygen and expelling carbon dioxide. The main parts include the lungs, nasal cavity, sinuses, blood vessels, and various air passageways. The airways (nose, mouth, pharynx, larynx etc.) allow air to enter the body and into the lungs. The lungs work to pass oxygen into the body, whilst removing carbon dioxide from the body. Once air has been inhaled, it passed through the airways until it reaches the alveoli within the lungs. Alveolus are surrounded by capillaries, through which the gasses enter and exit. Carbon dioxide enters the alveolus, where oxygen is extracted and passed back into the body. The main function of the respiratory system is inhaling and exhaling, exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the lungs and bloodstream, exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the bloodstream and tissues, creating vibration of the vocal cords to produce sound and helping with the sense of smell. In this project, we worked in a group of 3 where we all applied our teamwork skills for this assessment. We used communication and cooperation to finish the project within 5 sessions. The complications we overcame were resizing our model as it was too big to fit in the lungs, and one of our team members was absent which slowed our progress down.

Nathan, Justin and Sheena


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