Inspire - Issue 03 2022

Innovation Project This term, the Year 10 Peer Support Leaders, conducted discovery interviews and gathered data from students about ways to improve and develop our school. We ran surveys asking questions like ‘ Tell us 3 ways to best describe the school ’, ‘ positives and negatives of being a student at The Lakes ’ and ‘ Ways to increase senior school engagement. ’ We surveyed around 5 students from each homegroup in year levels 7 - 10 to get a broad range of data. We then collated this data into a PowerPoint, showcasing the main points of the data. As leaders we then presented students feedback to the Secondary staff at their staff meeting; this was a nerve - racking process but in the end was very rewarding and insightful. The student leaders then joined the teachers in their cohort spaces to discuss the information shared by the students. This was an important survey because it gave the teachers insightful information on how students feel they are represented at the school and some ways they think that the school could improve on student engagement. The student leaders gave ideas to teachers about things they ’ re doing well and areas they can improve; and also gave helpful tips to improve. Our school captains also being there gave insight to the VCE curriculum and how the structure is, so the teachers could create ideas around that. We had a fun time presenting to the teachers and getting our ideas listened to and having a voice, which rarely happens at other schools. This was an insightful experience, helped us gain confidence for public speaking and developed our people skills for the future. We look forward to continuing to work with teachers and students to further improve our experience as students at The Lakes.

Eliza R (year 10 Peer Support Leader)


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