Inspire - Issue 03 2022

What we like about the SWPBS Shop...

Matais: It feels good to get items from the SWPBS shop for showing our school values. Sitting down quietly with your listening ears is one way I got dojo points.

SWPBS in Action! The Year One students go to the SWPBS shop twice a term where they can spend their dojo points that they have earned. There are a wide variety of rewards that students can choose from.

Olivia: I like the shop because we get to have nice prizes and it is very fun to choose something nice for my good choices.

Isla: The shop was fun because we could reward ourselves for being good and getting all of our dojo points.

What we like about our SWPBS Classroom menu...

Imogen: We use the SWPBS classroom menu when we get time to colour, have a hot chip lunch or free time. It is cool!

Aleen: I spend my points on colouring and a movie. This is because I really enjoy these things.


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