Inspire - Issue 03 2022

Students were asked what they like about ‘ Hands on Maths ’ in Term 3:

Keira F: Hands on maths get you interested in learning maths

Jackson W: Hands on maths is quite fun because we get to do a lot exploring

Raastin L: Hands on maths let us move around room and use different objects to learn

Oscar S: Hands on maths is fun because you get to work with different people

Brooklyn N: Hands on maths is great because it has helps me with my skip counting Mason G: Hands on maths is good because I get to answer a lot of different questions

Emma D: Hands on maths games are very fun, we do it a lot in Year 2

Aria B: The best part of playing maths games is that it is really fun because I can learn about counting Pyper C: Hands on maths is great because the teachers always make it fun and are always there to help if you get stuck

Beatrice. R: Hands on maths is fun because you get to win the game

Deon M: Hands on maths is great because it has helped me to understand my numbers better Axel T: Hands on maths helps me to understand all of the things we do in maths Tadana C: Hands on maths helps me to understand all of the concepts we learn in maths

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