Diamond H Ranch - Annual Production Sale [3/26/25]

“ Ever since we participated in the American Simmental Assoication’s Cow Herd DNA Roundup, we have seen rst hand just how benecial it is to our operation (as well as our customer’s) to have DNA processed on our cattle. We have always made it a priority to provide our customers with the most accurate information possible. Combining DNA information, the pedigree of a bull and/or heifer and the individual performance data signicantly increases the reliability of their EPDs. All registered cattle in this oering have genomic enhanced EPDs (powered by Neogen, the world’s leader in DNA testing for agriculture). We always incorporate phenotypic traits such as disposition, fertility, foot and udder structure and mothering abilities into the equation for success...DNA simply adds to that equation!

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Dimn H Rnc Prouci Sl | Mrc 26, 2025 | 12:30 PM

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