Diamond H Ranch - Annual Production Sale [3/26/25]

Making a

Difference in the Beef Business - EVERY DAY

RIGHTMATE AND RIGHTCHOICE Precision mating solutions for the beef industry. Dr. Mahdi Saatchi, Marty Ropp and Tom Hook

TOP GENOMICS Novel genomic technology solutions to make better cattle and better beef. Dr. Mahdi Saatchi


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Improving Beef Through Genomics


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FUTURE FOCUSED COMMERCIAL GENETIC CONSULTING Long term solutions for prot focused commercial producers. Marty Ropp

SEEDSTOCK PROMOTIONAL AND SALE SERVICES Genetic improvement then prot improvement. Corey Wilkins and Jared Murnin

PROFESSIONAL DATA SERVICES Get the most from your data collection and DNA investment. Leoma Wells

ALLIED SEMEN AND GENETICS Elite frozen genetics. The most prot focused in the beef business. Rocky Forseth and Marty Ropp

FEEDER CALF MARKETING Make them more valuable, then reap the benets of your eorts. Clint Berry, Rocky Forseth and the Allied/Superior Marketing Team

ALL BEEF A new concept horizon in producer owned, genetic improvement for the future. Marty Ropp - www.AllBeef.net

ALLIED FEEDING PARTNERS Capturing the value of the genetics we market by feeding them. Clint Berry


ALLIEDGENETICRESOURCES.COM Contact us for more details on what Allied services and membership can do for you.

MARTY ROPP 406-581-7835 mroppagr@gmail.com

CLINT BERRY 417-844-1009 clintberry75@gmail.com DR. MAHDI SAATCHI saatchi.mahdi@gmail.com

ROCKY FORSETH 406-590-7984 rockyforseth89@gmail.com TOM HOOK 507-829-5283 hookfarms@mvtvwireless.com

COREY WILKINS 256-590-2487 coreyagr@gmail.com JARED MURNIN 406-321-1542 jmurninagr@gmail.com

LEOMA WELLS 559-696-4941 cattledatagenie@gmail.com

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