Diamond H Ranch - Annual Production Sale [3/26/25]

Cm rci H f r Gr“s

ʕ ʕ 114 116

ʕ ʕ 115 113



M412 M413 M417 M421 M446

M442 M445 M452 M479 M487

Avrag Wig : 740 - Avrag Frm Scr : 47.2

Avrag Wig : 743 - Avrag Frm Scr : 48.1



M401 M415 M464 M474 M485

M435 M438 M443 M453 M467

ʕ 117

Avrag Wig : 720 - Avrag Frm Scr : 46.4

Avrag Wig : 700 - Avrag Frm Scr : 46.8


M414 M437 M449 M470 M480

Avrag Wig : 662 - Avrag Frm Scr : 46

Hybrid vigor plays a huge role in our operation. From the beginning, we knew that Red Angus would be the foundation of our herd, but we also knew that breed complementarity was something we could not ignore. Through a systematic Red Angus and Simmental crossbreeding program, we can bridge the gap in our never ending quest to create the most balanced animals we can that have the ability to t multiple scenarios and environments. Inside our own ranch, the crossbred female continually proves herself and we have the data to back it up. Increased fertility, eciency and longevity are just a few of the things we love about these cattle and we will continue to combine the best genetics out there to create them.

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