PPA | Gilbert Scott House


proportionate analysis of the location’s heritage importance, guided by the level of

intervention i.e. full redevelopment would require more in-depth analysis than a

conversion application. Indeed, should complete demolition and redevelopment

be sought, then it is advised to engage a Heritage consultant to provide such

analysis, who can also quantify the degree of harm to the listed building’s setting

and how the proposals mitigate this against the wider benefits of the development 7 .

5.7 Whether a conversion or new building provides flatted accommodation, the LPA

will consider the appropriateness of flats in this location, in terms of ensuring that the

area has a suitable mix of housing types and sizes. Given the existing development

in the area, and looking at the last Census information for the Parish of Flax Bourton;

it is clear that the area is predominantly houses (97%) with very few flats, therefore

there should be no overconcentration of flats that would lead the LPA to object to

the provision of flats on this site, subject to the other development principles.

5.8 The site contains several mature trees, which although unprotected, will be

considered as part of any proposals that include physical development, including

the laying out of parking areas and hard standings etc. They should be retained

wherever possible, as they form part of the areas character and the backdrop to

the listed building’s setting. As such, an Arboricultural consultant will need to be

engaged to survey the trees and advise on the proposals.

5.9 As part of the Policy DM12 (Development in the Green Belt), it is established that

redevelopment proposals should generally stay within the established perimeter of

the existing buildings on the site. This will assist in preventing development within the

retained trees’ areas of influence.

Should redevelopment or additions to the

existing building go beyond the established development area, tree protection

measures will be required in accordance with industry best practice and Policy DM9.

For any necessary tree removals to facilitate development (aside from poor

specimens that require removal under good arboricultural practices), replacement

planting should be considered elsewhere on the site as mitigation.

7 NPPF, Paragraph 196

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