
18A — October 11 - 24, 2013 — Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal


F inAnciAl d igest

Mid Atlantic R EAL E STATE J OURNAL ’ S Lender’s Directory

ATHAM, NY — dev Morris and Andrew Stewart of Cron- Flexible prepay fixed-rate in Latham, NY Cronheim Mortgage finances $9.3 million for apartments L

Publication Date: Nov. 8, 2013

heim Mortgage have ar- ranged financing totaling $9.3 million for Mountainview Ter- race apartments, located on Pollock Rd., inAlbany County, NY. The 10/30, fixed-rate fi- nancing was arranged for the borrower, Mountainview Ter- race Apartments, LLC. Cron- heim Mortgage services this loan which was structured with a flexible prepayment schedule. According to Morris, “It is rare when a financing can be structured in order to offer both a fixed rate as well as flexibility to prepay. Some of our lenders will offer this to win business in a competitive environment like we have today.” n

Don't Miss This Opportunity! Deadline for submission: Oct. 25, 2013

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Mountainview Terrace

MAREJ ' S A NNUAL C OMMERCIAL L ENDER’S D IRECTORY � Please have an advertising rep. contact me about your special rates. � C heck here if you’d like a special listing (includes logo and border) - $50 - double block $100 Company Name: __________________________ Address: ________________________________ ________________________________________ Telephone/Fax: ___________________________ Commercial Brokers: ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ Linda Christman, Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal 1-800-584-1062/ 781-871-5298 Fax: 781-871-5299 Email: lchristman@marejournal.com

continued from page 10A Special Exchanges: Get 360 days to complete

attorney and VP of Asset Preservation, Inc. n As a “Qualified Intermediary” as defined in the Section 1031 regula- tions, Asset Preservation, Inc. is not able to provide legal or tax advice. Accordingly, you should review the details of your specific transaction with your own legal or tax advisor. Copyright, 2013.

exchange periods starting with the accommodator’s acquisi- tion of the parked property and ending on the exchanger’s acquisition of the last replace- ment property, potentially spanning 360 calendar days. Pamela Michaels is an

may be used to acquire other replacement properties over the second 180 day exchange period commencing with the sale of the relinquished prop- erty. In this fashion, the ex- change transaction spans two

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