Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal — October 11 - 24, 2013 — 21A
M id A tlantic R eal E state J ournal Innovative Solutions & Inspired Results Feinberg Real EstateAdvisors offers services to Lehigh Valley A LLENTOWN, PA - Cindy McDonnell- Feinberg , CCIM and
Ms. Feinberg was most re- cently Lehigh County’s Direc- tor of Community and Eco- nomic Devel- opment. Mr. Fe i n-
real estate field. “Our philosophy is simple: We will use our experience and knowledge to help our clients successfully complete their real estate transactions,”said Ms. Feinberg. “We have a passion for commercial real estate proj- ects. So, now we’re offering the opportunity for Lehigh Valley investors, businesses and ten- ants to leverage our experience into helping them with their commercial real estate needs.” “Commercial real estate trans- actions can be difficult,” said Gregg Feinberg. “We have trans- acted, developed and managed over $250 million in commercial real estate projects and financ- ings and we understand how to complete complex transactions. We can guide our clients from the initial contact through planning, engineering, design, approvals, and financing to closing.” The new office is open for business and is located at 1390 Ridgeview Dr., Suite 301, Allen- town, PA 19104. Gregg M. Feinberg graduated from the University of Pitts- burgh School of Law in 1983. Cindy McDonnell Feinberg is the former Director of Commu- nity and Economic Development for the County of Lehigh. n
G r e g g M . F e i n b e r g E s q . a n - nounced the S e p t emb e r 30th opening of Feinberg Real Estate A d v i s o r s , LLC . Fe i n -
b e r g h a s practiced law in the Lehigh Valley for 30 years. He has concentrated his practice in
Cindy McDonnell- Feinberg
Gregg Feinberg
commercial, business and real estate matters. He has been an active real estate developer and has developed over 3,500,000 s/f of commercial and industrial space. “Because commercial real es- tate brokerage needs something different, we’re launching Fein- berg Real Estate Advisors, LLC to share our real estate knowl- edge and expertise to help inves- tors, buyer, sellers and tenants become successful with their commercial real estate projects,” said co-founder Cindy Feinberg. With over 50 years of combined expertise in investment sales, real estate law, commercial and industrial brokerage, real estate development and government programs Feinberg Real Estate Advisors, LLC has a proven track record in the commercial
berg Real Estate Advisors, LLC offers a unique value proposi- tion in the commercial real estate (CRE) brokerage industry called “From Contact to Clos- ing”. The firm provides full service representation to clients including site selection services, commercial and industrial bro- kerage, investment sales, ten- ant representation, real estate development consulting, gov- ernment relations, real estate law, closing and title insurance services throughout the Lehigh Valley including Allentown, Bethlehem and Easton (ABE). The principals have experience with Tax Increment Financing (TIF), Allentown’s Neighbor- hood Improvement Zone (NIZ), Keystone Opportunity Zones (KOZs) and brownfield redevel- opment.
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Cindy McDonnell-Feinberg, CCIM Immediate Past Director of Community and Economic Development for Lehigh County and Gregg M. Feinberg, Esq. are pleased to announce the opening of FEINBERG REAL ESTATE ADVISORS, LLC Commercial and Industrial Brokerage
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Investment Sales - Development Consulting Government Relations - Real Estate Law Closings - Title Insurance 1390 Ridgeview Drive, Suite 301, Allentown, PA 18104
610.709.6233 info@ feinberg rea.com
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