King's Business - 1939-03


President Talbot Orders Coining of Widow's Mite

“And h e called unto him his disciples, and saith unto them , Verily I say unto you, T h at this poor w idow hath cast m ore in, than all they which have cast into the treasury: "For all they d id cast in o f their abun­ d an ce; but she o f h er w ant d id cast in all that she had, even all h er living." M ark 12:41-44.



"A nd Jesus sat over against the treas­ ury, an d b eh eld how the p eop le cast m oney into th e treasury: and many that w ere rich cast in much. "And th ere cam e a certain p oor w idow , and she threw in tw o mites, which ma\e a farthing.

*Engraving o f Widow's Mite by Gustave Dore.

The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Incorporated


Dear Friend:

It was Tuesday of the Week of His Passion - fewer than one hundred hours intervened before His crucifixion. The last tormenting questionings were over and He was leaving the great Temple of Herod for the last time - rejected of His own. He passed through the Treasury and paused to rest, perhaps on the long brick parapet opposite the brazen "trumpets": thirteen huge flaring tubes that led to the money chests below. - They were called "trumpets" because the rich Jews liked to cast their heavy gold and silver pieces into their gaping throats and hear the echoing rattle and rumble as the coins fell far below into the hidden boxes. He had often taught here, perhaps because women also were admitted to the Treasury, and He wanted them to hear, too. Nothing remained for Him now, except His final all- sufficient sacrifice - His atoning death on Calvary. And as He rested quietly with His disciples in the sombre shadows, watching the crowds thronging the Treasury, depositing their gifts therein, He noted the approach of an unobtrusive woman's figure clad in the dress of a widow. There were but two mites - two tiny bronze coins in her tightly clutched hand, not acceptable in the great Treasury trumpets, but which could be given in the general charities box on the wall near by, and here she timidly deposited them - not one, but both - her whole estate, worth together less than one American penny! It was the signal He had awaited; the sacrifice of ALL ★ A Wilde Bible Picture . Courtesy of W . A . Wilde • Co ., Boston . •M bronze reproduction of the “ widow’s mite ” will be sent to each person responding to this letter with a gift for Biola .

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