King's Business - 1939-03


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

March, 1939

established churches. Barnabas agreed, but wanted to take Mark with them. Paul would not consent to this, with the result that Barnabas departed with Mark, and Paul took Silas with him. Something of the tenderness of Paul’s heart is revealed in the fact that he was not only ready but also eager to jeopardize his ease and comfort in order to visit again the places where he knew people would be ready to stone him—but where there were those whose faith in Christ he could help to es­ tablish. II. O n the R oad (16:4-8) As Paul and Silas went through various cities, they delivered to the believers copies of the council’s decision relative to cir­ cumcision and the place of the law in the church. Here again we see Paul’s concep­ tion . of church unity. He recognized the authority of the leaders of the church, even thotigh he himself was an apostle. In his mind, there was no such thing as the Jew­ ish church and the Gentile church; there was only one church, the Body of Christ, an organism into which each believing soul was introduced by the Holy Spirit. Going through Phrygia and Galatia, Paul and Silas were minded to preach the Word of the Lord in Asia, but were for­ bidden by the Holy Spirit to do so. There­ fore, they turned away from Asia and came to Mysia, from whence they assayed to go into Bithynia, but again the Holy Spirit restrained them. It might have seemed strange to them to be forbidden to preach where there were many thousands without the gospel, but they must follow the direc­ tion of their Guide. Accordingly, they con­ tinued on their course until they came to T roas. III. I n E urope (16:9-15) While they tarried at Troas, Paul had a vision of a man from Macedonia calling him to come over and help them there. Per­ haps this man was none other than Luke; the “we” of his record begins here. Whoever the man was, the vision brought assurance to Paul that the Holy Spirit would have them go into Macedonia, so they immediately departed. The “help us” of the man in the vision meant just one thing to Paul. It meant the giving of just one message—the preaching of the gospel. This was all Paul had that would help men. He had no influence with the government, no assistants to open schools, no money to alleviate suffering. He had just one thing for all—whether the seller of purple, the demonized girl, the brutal jailer, or any other person—-and that was the gospel of the grace of God. Macedonia was a very wealthy section, a center for the propaga­ tion of science and art, a place of high culture. At the same time, its people were poor and needy, because they were without Christ. Why should Paul go to such a place as Macedonia? There was spiritual darkness there which any Christian should be eager to dispel; there was the Lord’s leading, which any Christian should be quick to follow. On the Sabbath day the party went to a place “by the river side, where prayer was wont to be made” (v. 13), and there

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