King's Business - 1939-03



March, 1939

Western Pennsylvania: In one home where I was entertained was a dear little four- year-old whom I delighted to tease. One day I asked her, “Are you worth any­ thing?” She said, “No.” And I asked, “What's the use of keeping you then?” The little face grew dark and puzzled while she felt for an answer. Then she blurted out, "Oh, I tell you why; Mama loves me.” And not an angel under the broad heavens could have given a better answer. Love, divine love alone, makes us worth saving.— T h om a s M. C h a lm ers . APRIL 16 Unused Power "‘That y e may know . . . what is the ex­ ceeding greatness o [ his pow er to us-ward who believe" (Eph. 1:18, 19). I remember reading once about Niagara, how for hundreds of years thousands of tons of water had been pouring over that fall year by year; but it was only about fifty years ago that it dawned upon some individual to utilize that power; and I be­ lieve today, by means of that power, elec­ tricity is being generated which is being used to Illuminate some hundred cities. There are many believers who do not know the Niagara in their own lives. —M. G u t h r ie C la r k . APRIL 17 Power and Prayer “Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit" (Eph. 6:18). Prayer must always be the fore-horse of the team. Do whatever is wise, but not till thou hast prayed. . . Begin, continue, and end everything with prayer. —D. L. M oody . Prayer has bridled the rage of lions, hushed anarchy to rest, extinguished wars, appeased the elements, expelled demons, burst the chains of death, expanded the gates of heaven, assuaged disease, repelled frauds, rescued cities from destruction, stayed the sun in its course, and arrested the progress of the thunderbolt. — C h ryso stom . As the old saying has it: "Justified means JU ST-A S-IF-I’D never sinned." . . . God looks at the believer through Jesus Christ, seeing him perfect in the Saviour, but God also.looks at the believer as he is in his condition, and has provided a series of measures whereby the believer’s condition may be lifted toward his position in Christ.—D. G. B a rn h o u se . No condemnation now I dread; Jesus, and all in Him, is mine! Alive in Him, my living Head, And clothed in righteousness divine, Bold I approach the eternal throne, And claim the crown, through Christ my own. — C h a rles W esl ey . APRIL 19 Avoiding Many Words “But let your communication be. Yea, APRIL 18 Justification “Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus" (Rom. 3:24).

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Repeated testimony of the work that Stony Brook is doing in Christian education comes through such letters as the following, written by a boy to the Headmaster.

"OBJ ECTALKS" illustrated by familiar objects. "TALKS ON TEXTS" " 20 children’s Sermons. Illuminated by fas­ cinating illustrations. "PAPER TEARING TALKS" 15 Gospel talks. Paper is folded, then torn and the object is unfolded. Interesting to old and young. Full directions. ^

“In full view of the supreme sacrifice mother made to send me to Stony Brook—making ends meet only by her faith in unrealities— and in full view of the concession made to me in financial help during my three years, I can say with firm belief that it was worth it! W e don’t get rich and valuable things unless we pay for them. Others have paid for me, in money and in sacrifice, to which I am in debt. “But I know that this fellow is more of a man now than if Stony Brook had not been his home for those three years. I hope some day to be able to prove that in a way as great as the meaning of Stony Brook to me.” Other boys are now at Stony Brook needing h e lp -^ -y o u r h e lp . What greater satisfaction can you have than to make an investment In the boys o f today who will be among the Chris­ tian leaders o f tomorrow? — — DETACH AND MAIL — —

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