King's Business - 1939-03


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

March, 1939

A N E W L Y C OM P L E T E D 4 0 V O L UM E S E R I E S

y ea; N ay, nay: for whatsoever is more than these cometh o f evil” (Matt. 5:37). Oftentimes I could wish that I had held my peace when I have spoken; and that I had not been in company. Why do we so willingly speak and talk one with another, when notwithstanding we seldom cease our converse before we have hurt our con­ science? . . . Therefore we must watch and pray, lest our time pass away idly. If it be lawful and expedient for thee to speak, speak those things that may edify. — T h om a s a K e m p is . APRIL 20 Godly Planning "Y e ought to say. If the Lord will, we shall live, and do this, or that” (Jas. 4:15). The apostle does not condemn the for­ mation of plans. That is an extreme to which Scripture gives no warrant. What is laid upon us is humble submission of them all to God from, and indeed before, their very inception; and also the most scrupu­ lous remembrance that both in their incep­ tion and in their execution His will is to be taken as the deciding factor. When we plan without God, we belie our profession. The apostle lays down the principle of recognition of God in all our plans. —W . S. H ooton . APRIL 21 Ministry or Performance? "Singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord” (Eph. 5:19). All church music;—even the organ pre­ lude!—never rises to the level of a ministry, stays down on the low ground of a per­ formance —unless the Lord is with it! Even the human voice faultlessly cultivated re­ mains unfitted to sound forth the gospel until it is filled with the Spirit . . . Oh, good friends, resolve that every personal excellency, given to you and enriched by labor, may be returned to the Giver as an earthen tray, your chief desire being that He may 911 it with His beauty.* — R ichard E llsw o rth D ay . APRIL 22 The Cares of God "He careth for you” (1 Pet. 5 :7 ). Wouldst thou be like God? It is well, but thou wilt not reach thy goal in the manner of the first Adam in the garden. Adam wanted to know the difference of good and evil for the pride of it; he never thought of the care of it. He did not know that it is just this knowledge which consti­ tuted the divine burden—the longing for man’s salvation. Wouldst thou be like God? then thou must cease to be self-suf­ ficient; thou must awake to the care for other souls; thou must learn what is meant when it is said, "God is love.” — G eorge M a th eso n . APRIL 23 W alking Worthy "1 therefore, the prisoner o f the Lord, beseech you that y e walk worthy o f the vocation wherewith y e are called" (Eph. 4 :1 ). The citizens of any country would be highly indignant if their prince, the son of * (Reprinted by special permission of Zondervan Pub. House, Grand Rapids, M ich.)


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