King's Business - 1939-03


T H E K I N O ' S B U S I N E S S

March, 1939

Our Li terature Table

The weekly hour Miss Braskamp men­ tions is chosen by each member of the prayer circle, the desire being to have con­ tinuous intercession for the school day and night as prayer warriors around the world keep their specified hour for prayer. Per­ sons desiring to enroll may write to Miss Braskamp at 558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif. CH IN A D E P A R TM E N T O F T H E IN S T I T U T E [Continued from page 96] groups of refugees. The China Inland Mis­ sion’s school for blind girls is housed here. Their property was bombed some time ago, but no lives were lost. The same Mission’s Hudson Taylor Hospital was completely burned to the ground in the fire of Chang­ sha, and the staff have moved their work to one of our buildings. W e have with us two hundred refugees whose homes went up in smoke as a result of the ‘Scorched Earth Policy,’ and there are also a num­ ber of missionaries from different missions. At present there are, in all, twelve of us missionaries on the compound. "Except for the sorrow and suffering all around us, we have been living through very thrilling days. And the end is not in sight. The Japanese are about one hundred miles from us to the north and east, but temporarily have held up their drive in our direction. We, of course, do not know just why, but we are on the alert for any news that may indicate that a new drive has started. Although we live in the ‘City of Desolation,’ yet we remain peaceful and happy, for in Christ is our hope. “It has been a trying ordeal, this burning of a city. Half a million is our normal population. The Government is now trying to work out plans for relieving the needs of the sufferers. Two days ago 84,000 re­ ceived five dollars each as a sort of balm. It is estimated that seventy-five per cent of the city was completely burned to the ground. And much of what is left is use­ less. “The great marvel of this tragedy is that although it is frankly admitted the city was ‘fired’ prematurely, and three responsible officials have since been executed for not obeying orders, the citizens of Changsha have taken it with fortitude, and very little discontent by comparison has been noticed, a fact which seems to indicate that Hunan wants to resist to the bitter end any invasion of her territory. And thus we carry on, ‘preaching the word,’ for many are finding comfort in the words of Jesus." Mr. Roberts tells of evangelistic work being done by members of the Biola Bands of Chinese evangelists and reports conver­ sions among country people and also among boys of the Yale-in-China middle school and girls of the Presbyterian middle school whose schools have been moved to West Hunan. He adds: "All of this great­ ly cheers our hearts as we feel that while the regular work of the Institute is being held up due to disturbed conditions coming from imminent invasion, we are still on the wing and touching hearts that need the gospel.”

The Book of Life A rranged and Edited by

T he set is sold exclusively by subscription. John Rudin & Company, In c., Chicago. See inside front cover of this issue for other details. When God Died B y H E R B E R T L O C K Y E R In this “series of meditations fo r Lent, including descriptive m essages on the seven sayings on the cross,” D r. Lockyer, in his ch aracteristic m anner, declares the deity, vicarious atonem ent, and resur­ rection life of the Lord Jesu s C hrist. T here are tw elve chapters, each pregnant with meaning. “ T he M agnetism of C alvary” and “ The A fterglow of Calvary” are specially significant. 118 pages. Wm . B . Eerdm ans Pub. Co. Cloth. P rice $1.00. Glimpses of Paul B y G E O R G E M . S T R O M B E C K These glim pses into the life of Pau l are in part necessarily dependent upon the im agination, but upon an im agination which sees “ through the w in­ dow of the W ord.” “ T h ere is an earnest effort,” says the author, “ to avoid anything contrary to the Sacred R ecord.” T he result is that this little book reads much like a story, and in its vivid portrayal o f the great apostle and the C hrist whom he serves, it captivates the mind and heart. 88 pages. C hristian Service Press. Paper. P rice 25 cents. Saved or Lost? B y W IL L IA M B . R IL E Y F ou r stirring evangelistic serm ons combine to m ake up this booklet dealing w ith the subject of the eternal destiny of men. D r. R iley, fo r forty years a pastor in M inneapolis, has delivered these serm ons w ith great blessing to his own church and now sends them forth in the hope th at they will continue to m inister to the unconverted for whom they w ere specially prepared. 53 pages. Zondervan Pub. H ouse. Paper. P rice 25 cents. Evangelistic Chalk Talk s fo r Children Frank A. Miller’s evangelistic ministry to children has been singularly blessed of the Lord for more than a generation, and many adult laborers in the Lord’s vineyard are able to point to their own childhood conversion under Mr. Miller’s teaching. A valuable collection of his blackboard les­ sons entitled ‘‘Evangelistic Chalk Talks" will bring multiplied blessing if used by other children’s workers. These drawings are particularly easy to copy, and the ac­ companying comment centers attention upon the Word of God. Fourteen talks and a song with a gospel appeal are in­ cluded in the 26-page booklet, which can be secured from Frank A. Miller, 125 S. Ave. 60, Los Angeles, Calif., for 25 cents. B iota’s W orld -W ide Prayer Circle Recently sending to each member of Bi- ola’s World-Wide Prayer Circle a picture of the entire student group of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Christian J. Bras- kamp, Secretary of the Prayer Circle, made the following suggestion: "May we unitedly during this month look into the faces of these young people, and think of their spiritual, physical, mental, and finan­ cial needs before we approach the throne of God at our weekly prayer hour.”

N E W T O N M A R S H A L L H A L L and IR V IN G F R A N C IS W O O D

In a day of appalling neglect and ignorance of the Bible, it is encouraging to see some editors and publishers m aking efforts to popularize and circu ­ late the W ord of God among the young and old who do not ordinarily sense its attractiveness and value. Newton M . H all and Irv in g F . W ood have collaborated with Joh n Rudin & Company, Inc., Chicago, publishers, in producing a reading edition of the B ib le using the K in g Jam es V ersion in multi-volume form known as The Book of Life. These scholarly men have been diligent in their effort to throw light on the text in the building of a historical background by the use of many illus­ trations, photographs of B ib le lands, and excellent reproductions of the best in religious art. Several editions have been issued, and careful revision has been made, to bring the work to a high standard of usefulness. I t is a dignified treatm ent of the W ord of God, beautifully illustrated and bound. W ith the prim ary purpose of encouraging the reading of the actual words of Scripture, the com­ pilers have sought to subordinate interpretation; for a full appreciation of The Book of L ife, it is im portant that this fact shall be kept in mind. The text is expanded to several volumes in order to set forth God’s W ord in a m ore attractive and readable form fo r the average reader than is attained by the common sm all-type, one-volume editions. The Book of L ife appears to be an effort to restore the Bible to the fam ily circle in the home, which is the God-ordained place for religious in­ struction. I f it succeeds in accom plishing this pur­ pose, many lovers of the sacred page will rejoice. Parents who are concerned because of their children’s lack of interest in the Bible may do well to consider this work. In that it has a graded series of B ib le truths and is presented in a running story form , the need of the pre-school child has been kept in mind. Children and youth are naturally attracted to read it by reason of its coordination with their work in grade school, high school, and college. Concerning any work of this kind, it is natural that there should be a difference of opinion as to the best m anner in which explanatory notes and other editorial m aterial should be presented. Some readers, for instance, will feel that in The Book of L ife too much emphasis is placed upon the literary quality of the W ord of God as distinct from its spiritual application. B u t when the com­ plete purpose of the work is understood, and when young lives are guided in their reading by adults who grasp this aim , the objection need constitute no barrier to a love for and acceptance of the inspired Scriptures. HYMNS THAT LIVE A new low-priced song book specially prepared for conventions, union evangelistic cam paigns, church, m ission 64 pages (72 hym ns, with words and m u sic), attractively bound in golden rod and navy blue c o v e r s , with s t r i k i n g cover # design suggesting the suffering of C hrist and the glory to follow. You will be delighted with it! nd a stamp for A SAMPLE COPY 15 cents, postpaid; 25 copies or more at the rate of $10.00 per 100, NOT prepaid. The Bible Institute Colportage Ass’n 810 N. Wells St., Chicago, 111. and young people’s m eetings, open-air services, and Sunday school gatherings, where fa ­ vorite and fam iliar hymns are desired. A Choice Selection!

TELESCO PE FOR SALE A good friend has offered his Bardou $5 0 0 .0 0 Telescope to be sold for $15 0 .0 0 that Biola may be helped to that extent. Some astronomical friend might purchase it. Inquire: H. C. HUNT ROOM 708, 558 SOUTH HOPE STREET, LOS ANGELES, CALIF. Phone MAdison 1641

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