The Advantages and Disadvantages of Home Schooling
In Britain, 90% of children learn in school. +RZHYHUWKLVVWLOOPHDQVWKDWDVLJQLÀFDQW number of children also learn at home. The reasons why a child might be home schooled include: the child might have had bad experiences in school, the parent may believe it’s better for the child to be home schooled or due to the family’s religious and social beliefs. The advantages of KRPHVFKRROLQJDUHWKHÁH[LELOLW\RIWKHWLPHWDEOH the prevention of bullying and it strengthens family relationships. On the other hand, the disadvantages are a lack of social interaction for the child, not enough resources or equipment, and it is time-consuming for the parent. However, what is the right decision for a child’s education? There are numerous considerable arguments for learning at home. One of the biggest advantages LVWKHÁH[LELOLW\RIWKHWLPHWDEOHDQGV\OODEXV The child’s parents can decide what to teach relating to the child’s interests. The teaching could be tailor-made so their progress is assured. Parents can also determine when to start and end the teaching. Visiting places such as museums and parks can be much easier arranged for one child than 60 pupils. The children can learn more from the outside world rather than sitting in a classroom all day. For instance, if a child was interested in politics the parent could very easily organise a trip to the House of Commons at a time that suited them. In addition, home schooling prevents bullying DQGEDGLQÁXHQFHVVXFKDVVZHDULQJDQG ÀJKWLQJWKDWFDQRFFXULQVRPHVFKRROV
%XOO\LQJFDQFUHDWHDODFNRIFRQÀGHQFHDQGWKH child could feel vulnerable. At school children FDQFRPHXQGHUSHHUSUHVVXUHWRÀWLQZLWKRWKHUV Moreover, home schooling strengthens the bond between the parent and child since the child is spending all day with the parent. Even though there are a lot of great advantages, there are equally a vast number of considerable disadvantages. The biggest disadvantage is that WKHFKLOGZRXOGÀQGLWKDUGWRPDNHIULHQGVGXH to a loss of social interaction with other children. This might become a big problem in later life. Secondly the home that the child is living in may not have all of the equipment and resources that a school might have. For example, in a Science lesson at home you wouldn’t have access to Bunsen burners or chemicals. Also the parents ZRXOGOLNHO\QRWEHTXDOLÀHGWRWHDFK)LQDOO\WKH parent may have to give up their job to teach their children day in day out. Teaching a child can be very exhausting and time-consuming for the parent. Although there are many strong reasons for being home schooled, I think that the disadvantages outweigh the advantages. In my personal opinion, one of the most important disadvantages for home schooling is the fact that the child may have less opportunities to make lifelong friends. In the long run, the lack of social skills may cause the child problems in later life when they are trying to get a job. Laurence Skinner, 5M
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