Junior Alleynian 2017.pdf


“Hey Daniel, do you want to play this new game I was given for my birthday?” George burst in screaming. “I’m sorry but I’ve got History homework and I have to write about Saint George,” Daniel explained. “Are you sure?” George questioned inquisitively, raising his eyebrows. Daniel worriedly thought, his PLQGVKXIÁHGKHNQHZKHZRXOGJHWDWULSOHGHWHQWLRQLIKHGLGQ·WGRLW “Alright then!” David and George killed a few minutes playing the game. Whizz! Bang! Pop! Whizz! Bang! Pop! Whizz! Bang! Pop! That noise continued until something very weird happened to them. The game came closer. The boys couldn’t move forwards or backwards. Suddenly they fell uncontrollably into the machine. Unexpectedly the boys found themselves in a large, eerie room. They could see speakers, levers and buttons. There were whizzes, bangs and pops they could hear. They could feel cold metal under their feet. It was the taste of salty air and the smell of burning smoke that convinced them that they weren’t dreaming. The room was a colossal cave and they were like minute pebbles within the cavernous space. Immediately the supersonic speakers burst out saying, ‘TIME, DESTINATION 99AD, 31ST DECEMBER!’ The machine spun around rapidly like a ballet dancer pirouetting. ,QDÁDVKWKH\HQGHGXSLQZKDWORRNHGOLNHDYLOODJH$FRORVVDOPDQVFUDPEOHGXSDQGVWXPEOHG towards them. “Look out, look out!” George and Daniel yelled. The man came closer. He was only a foot away. George grabbed Daniel by the collar and dived away. A tall man stood up. He had a thick, EXVK\PRXVWDFKHDQGDEUDYHFRQÀGHQWODXJK'DQLHOUHFRJQLVHGWKHPDQDWRQFH “YOU’RE ST GEORGE,” he burst out. “Yes I am,” he replied. “Come with me on my adventure! Oh, and you too.” George’s eyes widened. The man led them to a cart with two horses. They sprinted towards it, “Giddy up horsey,” they all yelled, and off they went on their merry way. After a thirty minute journey, they stopped abruptly. A dragon came out of nowhere. The dragon was a mountain and the people were simply grains of sand in comparison. St George took out a sword. 7KHGUDJRQEOHZVRPHVPRNHDQGEUHDWKHGRXWDEOD]LQJEDOORIÀUH6W*HRUJHGURSSHGWKHVZRUGWKH dragon leaped onto him, George grabbed the sword and stabbed it furiously into the dragon. The dragon yelped, Daniel grabbed the sword and stabbed it even harder. The dragon fell to the ground. Five minutes later they heard multiple whizzes, bangs and pops. They arrived back to where they were. St George left and Daniel knew exactly what to write for his History homework! Rajan Philip, 4S


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