

Les résidents de la région sont invités à acheter un livre ou bien d’en adop- ter un à la Bibliothèque Champlain. La campagne d’adoption se déroule tout au long du mois d’octobre et est un moyen de faire croitre la collection de la bibliothèque. - Francis Racine ILE DU CHENAIL CAMPING Temporary camping, including over- night parking of RVs, will be allowed in certain areas of Confederation Park and other parts of l’ile du Chenail in the future, under certain conditions. Hawkesbury council approved a bylaw, based on staff recommenda- tions, to set conditions and terms for temporary camping at l’ile du Chenail, to help encourage local tourism. The bylaw will also regulate overnight boat docking at l’ile du Chenail dock, which is already allowed but has not been policed in the past. – Gregg Chamberlain DEMANDE D’AIDE FINANCIÈRE Les Services communautaires de Pres- cott-Russell ont demandé aux Comtés unis de Prescott et Russell (CUPR) une aide financière de 40 000 $, pour soutenir les programmes sociaux com- munautaires qui desservent près de 2500 résidents de la région. Les CUPR soutiennent régulièrement l’organisme et la demande a été ajoutée à la liste des points de discussion du budget 2020. – Gregg Chamberlain


access and cellular phone service are un- available. Township council members asked what kind of equipment would be needed for a community-based emergency amateur

radio network set up and how much it might cost. They asked Hickey to provide council and administration with more specific infor- mation for review at a later date.

Local amateur radio enthusiasts are ready to jump in and help Champlain Township officials the next time a major disaster situation arises in the area. “Amateur radio coverage is like having an insurance policy or a spare tire,” said Michael Hickey of the Prescott-Russell Amateur Radio Club (PRARC). “You have it just in case.” Hickey made a presentation during the October 8 Champlain Township Council ses- sion for a partnership between the club and the municipality for setting up a permanent emergency amateur radio system to serve the community in case of a major disas- ter situation. He noted that home-based amateur radio predates the Internet and UIF8PSME8JEF8FC As long ago as the late 1940s and early 1950s, amateur radio enthusiasts chatted with each other around the globe, and also served as an extra means of communication with the outside world for communities cut off by disasters like hurricanes, tornadoes, and major flooding. Amateur radio also IFMQFELFFQ8FTUFSOOBUJPOTJOGPSNFEPG events behind the “Iron Curtain” during the totalitarian regimes of Stalin and other com- munist dictators of that era. Hickey noted that local PRARC members can maintain local contact for Champlain Township during situations when Internet

Avant l’avènement d’Internet et des médias sociaux, les amateurs de radio à domicile discutaient entre eux dans le monde entier et aidaient aussi dans les situations d’urgence locales en maintenant un contact communautaire avec le monde extérieur. Le Club de radio amateur de Prescott-Russell (CARRP) est à la recherche d’un partenariat avec le canton de Champlain afin de créer une présence permanente du CARRP dans la communauté pour un service de garde au besoin en cas de catastrophe majeure. —photo fournie

Trick -or- Treat

La collecte de bonbons aura lieu beau temps, mauvais temps. Rain or shine!

Pour participer en tant que commerçant Business who wants to be part of the event i i i & 613-677-4722

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