Board Converting News, September 12, 2022

Improve Performance (CONT’D FROM PAGE 1)

• Creating a S.M.A.R.T. (specific, measurable, achievable but not too easy, relevant and impactful, and time- bound) plan that will allow you to form new behaviors that would negate the current ones. The plan should consider the process of forming new habits. • Execute until the new habit becomes automatic and doesn’t require thinking and effort anymore. Sound easy? Well, it’s not. There are too many places where you can make mistakes. You may identify a rela- tionship that is not critical, or the dependency of the other person in you is not important enough. You may identify the wrong behavior to work on and spend time and effort trying to fix a behavior that is not holding you back from being more trusted in that relationship while not working on the behavior that does. Your plan might be too easy, too hard, not impactful enough, or otherwise easy to drop before forming new habits. Finally, according to that study, even if you do everything right, you still only have a 50 percent probability of success. How can you increase your odds? The rest of this article will describe four approaches to building employee trustworthiness. Self-Study You could learn by reading books, taking online cours- es, or otherwise individually. Pros : • You can do it at a convenient place and time. CONTINUED ON PAGE 16

You must first identify specific, critical relationships and specific behaviors that you must change in them. Those could be different in different relationships. Then, you must form new habits that will change your behaviors and build your trustworthiness, and thus the trust other people have in you. Even then, it takes time and many repetitions of the new behavior before it becomes natural. It won’t happen overnight. Sound complicated? It’s achievable but requires a dif- ferent approach than what you have heard about trust. If you want your efforts to be effective, that is. The process of increasing your trustworthiness has the following steps: • Identifying a critical relationship in which another em- ployee (could be a coworker, a boss, or someone who reports to you) depends on you. If they don’t trust you, they will not rely on you. • Identifying your specific behavior that holds you back from being trusted by that person. Remember that trust is relative. That behavior might not cause someone else to distrust you, but it does cause the other person in this critical relationship not to trust you. The reason for focusing on bad behavior is because people re- spond much stronger (and negatively) to bad behavior than they do (positively) to positive behavior. Research proved that many times.

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September 12, 2022

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