Board Converting News, September 12, 2022

Improve Performance (CONT’D FROM PAGE 14)

• You have an opportunity to interact with others and learn from their challenges. • You can also ask the facilitator to review your plan. • Peer pressure can provide motivation. Cons : • You are still prone to making mistakes in identifying the right relationship and the behavior holding you back from being more trusted. • You still lack an accountability partner, threatening the retention of what you learned. External Coach You could either hire an external coach or have the company hire one to take you through the process. Pros : • A coach is more experienced with the process and hu- man nature. • A coach could be your accountability partner through- out the execution phase and increase your probability of forming a new habit from 50 percent to 95 percent. Cons : • The coach may not be familiar with the company’s people, dynamics, and culture. • You may not trust the coach due to being external to the company and knowing them for a very short time. • They can be costly, especially if coaching multiple people in the company. Internal HR Professional The ultimate solution might be right under your nose—your HR professional. Pros : • They are already trained and experienced

• You can do it at your own pace. • It is typically the cheapest alternative on a per-person basis. Cons: • Lacking deep knowledge and experience, you are more likely to make mistakes, such as identifying the wrong relationship or the wrong behavior to focus on. • Your retention will be the lowest, and so will the proba- bility of forming new habits, given that nobody is hold- ing you accountable. Workshops You could attend an open enrollment or company-spon- sored workshops to help create the right plan. Pros : • Workshops typically address multiple employees in the company in parallel.


in human behavior in the organizational set- ting, and addressing these human resources issue (trust) fits their job description. • They are internal to the company and are very familiar with the people, the internal dy- namics, and the corporate culture and goals. • Having worked with the employees they are helping, they are more trusted by those employees than an external coach would. • They are already on the company’s pay- roll. The conclusion is straightforward: building trust in the organization is not simple. It should be addressed one relationship at a time, iden- tifying behaviors that hold one party to that re- lationship from being more trusted by the oth- er party. It should also be treated by forming new habits that change behaviors, build trust, and transform the organization. Yoram Solomon, Ph.D., MBA, LLB, is the author of The Book of Trust®, host of The Trust Show podcast, founder of the Innovation Cul- ture Institute™ LLC, and facilitator of the Trust Habits™ workshop. Visit .

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50 East Court Mandeville, La 70471

Ph: 985-875-7777 Fx: 985-875-7778


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September 12, 2022

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