Cardboard testimonies at Word of Life Island – how God worked in the camper's life that week
Ministry Near and Far
United States The Word of Life team in the United States is praising God for a fruitful season of summer camp in New York and Florida. Below is one of many testimonies from campers whose lives were forever changed: “I learned I don’t have to worry about my future, because God is in control. Even when we are stranded in this broken world, He is with us. I made a decision at the campfire to throw away the sin [and] the past and let God take control.”
Kenya Word of Life hosts day camps for children in impoverished areas. Most of the counselors grew up in the slums, and each has a story to tell. One such story is of a young man who was running from the police and slipped into a Bible Hour camp meeting to hide. Amazingly, this young man came to Christ through the message and is serving the Lord today!
Restricted Access Country Recently, several ministry directors had the opportunity to travel to a restricted access country and train youth leaders to use the Word of Life Youth Ministries curriculum in the Arabic language. The team is praising God for this opportunity.
Poland Word of Life missionaries recently held an evangelistic concert in the city of Płock. Two hundred people came and heard a clear gospel presentation. Additionally, 226 heard the gospel through individual conversations and seven made professions of faith in Christ.
25 The Word of Life Experience
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