IFMAT-IV Executive Summary

Major Recommendations

Achieve funding parity: ■ Revise the federal funding model to provide for basic land stewardship costs including hazardous fuel reduction and roads, plus additional support for active timber management, consistent with tribal goals (A1).

Review statutory, regulatory and policy requirements for Indian forest management including budget justification and reporting processes and determine needed reforms to address a change in the balance between timber production and

stewardship. This includes an increase in annual funding by $96 million to support forest stewardship and timber harvest for Indian forests to reach parity with National Forest and BLM funding on their respective land classifications, an increase in fire preparedness funding by $42 million (A2) as well as establish a separate DOI Budget Justification (Green Book) line item for tribal forest roads with a target of eliminating the forest road maintenance backlog over 15 years with a budget of at least $89 million per year (A3). With the responsibilities for management of federal lands (including tribal lands) being similar, these increases reflect the principle of equal pay for equal work (C1). the minimum staffing needs established by NIFRMA for Tribal Forestry Programs (A4). ■ Provide adequate funding for law enforcement (trespass) on Indian forest land ($3-5 million per year) (A7). ■ Increase BIA funding by Congress to at least fund ■ Achieve parity with the Forest Service and BLM to address the current overpopulation of wild horses, up to $40 million may be needed (A8). ■ Increase base funding that allows for direct investment in staffing for all tribes and for the BIA to support self-governance. Rather than funnel budget increases into project funds, there needs to be sufficient TPA funds to fulfill the NIFRMA mandate that each tribe receive an adequate amount to support an appropriate

Upper Klamath River in California, critical salmon habitat for the Karuk Tribe. PHOTO CREDIT: VINCENT CORRAO

12 Assessment of Indian Forests and Forest Management in the United States

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