IFMAT-IV Executive Summary

Staffing by Staff Level – Federal and Tribal and Fire/Forestry – Professional Only

- 100 200 300 400 500 600 700










Camas returning to the Jocko Prairie after prescribed burning conducted by the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribe in Montana. PHOTO CREDIT: SERRA HOAGLAND

■ Quantify the changes from AAC emphasis toward other forest values, while encouraging tribes to include all important values in their management plans. Review BIA rules and procedures regarding AAC, particularly non-declining even flow. Determine if there is a need for more flexibility in the implementation of BIA AAC rules. Overstocking needs to be reduced to have resilient forests in the face of increased fire risk and AAC rules should allow and encourage this (E7). ■ Revise the policies surrounding non-expiring forest management plans to ensure that plans are monitored, reviewed, and

updated to meet tribal priorities including the AAC (F1/F6). ■ Evaluate the mission of FIP (formerly BoFRP) to better adapt to the current needs of not only the BIA managed programs but all tribal programs (F8). ■ Initiate an independent review of the federal rules and policies which restrict use of local fire suppression resources, especially for initial attack, and the process for allocation of national resources for fire suppression on Indian lands (H4/H5).

timber harvest using this authority (H8). ■ Reduce the barriers to getting fire back on the landscape where needed for more resilient landscapes and cultural objectives (J8). Training for fire qualifications needs to be re-evaluated and ramped up to meet the demand to use managed fire on a landscape basis. Cooperative agency training for managed fire program should be implemented similar to The Nature Conservancy Indigenous burning network. Cooperative burn plans need to be developed so multiple agencies can participate in prescribed burn projects (K10).

■ Update the paid permit limitation of $25,000 and

continually revise to allow for inflation and to better meet current needs for commercial

Executive Summary 15

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