IFMAT-IV Executive Summary

Seedling container operation at the Red Lake Nation in Minnesota. PHOTO CREDIT: VINCENT CORRAO

Supporting Recommendations ■ Improve the BIA’s understanding of the needs and conditions

authorities for self-governance tribes (compact, contract, and direct services). This should include the allottees (H1). Modification of CFRs should be based on the findings from this table. ■ BIA forestry regulations and policy restricting delivered log sales need to be reviewed and reforms implemented to facilitate timely creation of forestry enterprises or other acceptable processes for log sales. BIA needs to improve communications to provide other current options for log sales (H7). ■ Increase systematic technical and academic support for tribal climate change planning (I3).

tribal hunting and gathering initiatives and promote health and wellbeing within tribal communities (NTFP1). ■ The BIA should identify an independent audit process to evaluate fair market value for forest products (D7). ■ BIA/Tribes need to explore other revenue options such as carbon, biofuels, biomass use, water, wildlife, recreation, or other natural resource uses (D11). ■ IFMAT IV recommends a review of the current applicability of NIFRMA given the recent shift toward self-governance by many tribes. Recipients would include ITC and Congress (E1). ■ BIA, in coordination with the ITC, should develop a table of

of the forestry facilities and appropriate funding (including outbuildings and IT components) (A9). ■ Encourage coordinated development of annual plans on each reservation for integrating all forest management activities and hazardous fuel reduction activities (B3). ■ To increase efficiency, evaluate creating a forest protection unit that includes fire, insect, and disease management programs (B9). ■ Provide NTFP support for each region to provide technical assistance to tribes to fulfill their NTFP goals. This would support

16 Assessment of Indian Forests and Forest Management in the United States

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