King's Business - 1910-03

46 3. The Witness in White. ' ' A young man colthed in a long white g a rme n t ." " H e is not h e r e . '' How the heart rejoices that though He may be found everywhere, He cannot be found in the grave. He is not a dead, but a living God. The supreme interest in the sepulchre is that it is empty, and this f a ct lies at the foundation of all true Gospel preaching. Instead of the Iiord, they found His angel (Matt. XX : 2 ); instead of His body they found His clothes (Jno. XX: 6-7); instead of the gloom, the glory (Luke XXIV :4). There was no need for the spices t h at loving unbelief brought; no need for the worry over the great stone. They might have spared themselves the un- necessary anxiety, had they remem- bered His words, Matt XX:19, Mk. VIII:31, Luke IX:22, Luke XVIII:32. 4. The.. Wonderful Word. " H e goeth into Galilee—there shall ye see H i m . " Go, tell the disciples and Peter. The The Bible classes are multiplying both in and outside of the city. The Bible Women are enlarging their bor- ders. Outside their city work, classes are conducted in Pasadena, Woodcrest, Garvanza, and large classes in both Santa Ana and Fullerton. Calls in other directions are, at this time, be- yond their ability to supply. More and more the Institute is be- coming a center for aggressive Chris- tian work. The regions around about are looking to us for help; calls coming for pulpit supplies, for evangelistic work, Sunday School workers and Bible teachers f ar beyond our present power to respond. A helpful conference was held in the IHtst Baptist Church of this city, Janu- The meetings conducted by Dr. Had- den in Anaheim were largely attended, the afternoon meetings for Bible study awakening unusual interest. Many young people were reached. The Union Communion Service filled the Presby- terian Church. Mr. Hadden is conduct- ing a large Monday night Bible class in the M. E. Church, as a permanent

vision was too much for the women— they fled in fear. Mary Magdalene had already preceded them (Matt. XXVI I I: 1), going hurriedly to tell His disciples (Jno. XX:2). The others followed her, afterward (Matt. XXVI I I : 8 ). Peter is not forgotten, although He had failed as a follower (Luke XXII:54), and blesphemed the Beloved Son (Matt. XXVI: 74), yet the Lord loved him and gave a gracious invitation for him to meet Him in Galilee. How tenderly He deals with the backslider! Galilee was the meeting place; He had promised it long before (Mk. XIV :28). How beau- tiful it would have been for them to have treasured His words and believed His message, and repaired to Galilee to meet Him! yet the Lord eaused even the unbelief to bring blessing. Now the Word says He has gone before and will meet us in the sky (Jno. XIV: 2, 3; 1 Thess. IV:16, 17). Do we be- lieve it—look forward with faith to the joy of that meeting f ary 26-30. Messrs. Tucker, Prichard, Lev, Sammis, Hadden and Horton par- ticipated. The themes were largely dis- pensational. The attendance was good and the interest very gratifying. The Fishermen's Club, with the co- operation of the Lyceum Club, has planned a series of special meetings for young people, to be held in the Audi- torium of the Institute, February 21st. The city has been districted and an ex- tensive plan for advertising has been arranged. Great results are anticipated. Our auditorium and large class room have been connected with folding doors and we are now prepared to extend our dining room facilities for the Monday and Tuesday classes, and when neces- sary can accommodate seven hundred people for a service. result of the campaign. Mr. P r a t t 's meetings in Fullerton, al- though held with the Presbyterian Church, eventuated in a practical Union gathering. The whole town was touched and a request has followed for a union tent service in the fall. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson are being greatly blessed in service in the small

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