King's Business - 1910-03

Dr. Torrey on Tracts. At a gathering of Christian workers, Dr. H. A. Torrey, the eminent evangel- ist, made the following statement. concerning, the use of tracts in Christian work: " T h e re are two kinds of ammunition I always carry with me. I always carry the Bible, and always carry a, bundle of tracts. . . 1 was in Christian. work a good many years. I had been a minister of the Gospel several years, and been chairman of this convention once, before it even came into my head that tracts were of very much use in Christian work. T had somehow grown up with the notion that tracts were all rubbish, and therefore I did not take the trouble to read them, and f ar less take the trouble to circulate them. I Have Found Out I Was Wrong. " I want to give a little persona! experience. After I had been in t^e min- istry some time, and attended the first convention in, Chicago, and hajLgpne hoine, one of the workers wrote me a letter on some subject. I do not remember any- thing about the letter, but in it; there was a tract. " H e ' s Coming Tomorrow!" " Well, I had heard about the coming of the Lord, but I thought the people who preached about it were cranks. One of the members of my church, had asked- me to preach on it, and I thought that when I did he would know it. I believed in it in a certain sense, and from my study of a German theological work I was convinced that that was probably the correct view of things. But as I read that little tract, it brought the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ home to me in a way that was very real and personal, and it Transformed the Whole Character of My Life! " T h e world became very small when I saw the reality, purpose and possible imminence of the coming of my Lord. I t was that little tract that did i t ! ' ' Every Christian can do this character o£ work—rwe ought to be sowing the seed broadcast. God \yijl take care of the harvest. Be careful to use wisely- selected tracts; the best seed prayerfully sown Will secure, definite results. 182 PAGES o£ NEW LIVE SONGS as well as all the most popular 182 PAGES of the old favorites, including the famous copyrights of Excell, Kirkpatrick, Gabriel, Tillman, Lorenz, and others. "The Glory Song," "The King's Business," "A Song of Victory," "The Fight is On," "The Banner of the Cross," "The Way of the Cross Leads Home," etc. Strong Manila Cover, $12.50 per 100. The very best Cloth Binding* $22.50 per 100. Best for Sunday Schools, Sunday Evenings, Young People's Meetings, Evangelistic Meetings. We are Pacific Coast Distributors and carry a large stock on hand to supply all orders. BOOK DEPARTMENT, ROOM 2, BIBLE INSTITUTE, 260-264 So. Main Street, . . . . Los Angeles, Calif. H Y M N § F O R H I S P R A I S E , N O . 1 . REVISED. THE LATEST AND BEST.

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