King's Business - 1910-03

t h i n g s" 1 Cor. 11:10-11; Jno. XIV:20; Jno. XVI;12-i3). He is equal to the Father and Son, His name coupled with theirs (1 Cor. XII:4-6; Matt. XXVIII: 19; 2 Cor. X I I I: 14). He is called God (Acts V:3-4). The Holy Spirit is the Executive of the Godhead, to officiate in behalf of the Father and Son (Jno. XIV:26; Jno. XV: 26). He is called the Spirit of God and of Christ (Rom. VIII:9). His abiding place is in the hearts of believers, whose bodies He makes His Temple (1 Cor. VI: 19-20). There are many names given to the Holy Spirit in the Word: " S p i r it of Holiness," " T r u t h , " " L i f e , " " G r a c e , " " G l o r y ," " E t e r n al Sp i r i t ," " T h e Comforter," each of which is significant and suggestive. INSTITUTE INTERCESSORS. A number of friends have enrolled themselves in our Prayer Circle, tak- ing the work of the Institute upon their hearts for daily prayer. We covet a larger list. Any of our readers who are led to unite with us in this ministry are requested to send their names to the superintendent. We desire the names that we may send to you special requests from time to time.. The spe- cial objects for regular prayer will be found on the inside cover. .The " N e w Theology" is the religious lie which ignores sin, ignores the blood of atonement, and robs Christ of His Deity, and was well described by a pa- tient who went to consult his doctor. The physician asked him to describe his complaint, whereupon he said, " I think I ' ve got the New Theology.'' ' ' Nonsense,'' said the doctor, ' ' what are the symptoms ? ' ' He explained that he " H a d a swimming in his head, and didn't know exactly where he w a s ." " Y o u ' ve got i t , " admitted the doctor.—Selected. Keep in the midst of the path, and no hurt shall come unto thee—Bunyan. He, indeed, is rich in grace whose graces are not hindered by his riches. —Flavel. I will go wherever I am sent, and if necessary can start in an hour—ffm. Duncan (missionary).

Break the bread to the multitude (Jno. YI:11). Giving insures getting; the more you give, the more you will have (Mark VI: 43). •Tesus gave His life for many (Matt. XX:28). God gave Him the Church (Jno. XVII:6). God's law is multiplication by divi- sion. Go, look upon the multitude— look upon God's Word. Let your heart be touched with sympathy—filled with obedience. " F r e e ly ye have reecived." Give freely, fully, faithfully. THE HOLY SPIRIT. The Holy Spirit is the third person in the blessed Trinity and the teaching concerning Him is of the utmost im- portance. T. HE IS A PERSON. Personal pronouns are used concern- ing Him. " T he Comforter whom I will send, He shall testify of Me (Jno. XV:28). " I will send Him to you— He shall reprove the world of sin (Jno. XVI:7-8). When He, the Spirit of Truth, is eome —He will not -speak of Himself (Jno. XVI:13-14). Personal Qualities Are Ascribed to Him. He that searcheth the hearts know- eth what is the mind of the Spirit (Rom. VHI:27). The things of God knoweth no man but the Spirit of God (1 Cor. 11:10-11). ' ' I beseech you brethren—for the love of the Spirit (Bom. XV:30). The Holy Spirit thinks, knows, feels, loves, wills, etc. Personal Acts Are Ascribed to Him. He speaks, crying " A b ba F a t h e r" (Gal. IV:6). He teaches, " H e shall teach y o u " (Jno. XIV:26). He leads, " L e d by the S p i r i t" (Rom. VIII:14). He forbids men. "Forbidden by the Holy Gh o s t" (Acts XVI:6-7). He calls men, " T h e Holy Ghost s a i d" (Acts XIII:2). 2. THE HOLY SPIRIT IS A DI- VINE PERSON. He is eternal, ' ' Who through the Eternal Spirit (Heb. I X: 14). He is omnipresent, "Wh i t h er shall I go from thy ¡spirit (Psa. CXXXIX: 7-10).• He is omnipotent, " T h e power of the H i g h e s t" (Luke 1:35). He is omniscient,.. "Searcheth all

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