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Most of the students at the Ontario Hockey Academy (OHA) become University students following graduation.

around an hour and twenty minutes there a day,” Lascelle says while opening the door to the facility. “But I’ve seen some go there after classes to work some more.” Inside the big building are students, all working hard at various exercises. Most have sweat pouring down their faces. Frompush- ups to lifting weights, every action is taken in order to become stronger. In the back of the gym is one of the Academy’s jewels. “That’s synthetic ice,” explains Lascelle. “Our students can therefore practice their

shooting and aiming.” Although not housing an arena or ice rink, the OHA does use the Benson Centre facilities on several occasions. “We do our practices there,” he says. “On weekends, when they have games, our students can go all the way to Detroit and Quebec City.” But as some students finish their work- outs and leave the gym, intent on studying for a good portion of the day, one thing is clear: To win, not onlymust you be a first rate athlete, youmust also be a first-rate student!

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The Ontario Hockey Academy utilizes the Benson Centre facilities on several occasions.

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The Journal Cornwall


Wednesday, January 27, 2016

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