American Consequences - March 2018


Are You in Big Brother’s Lineup?

the FBI use face recognition technology to compare the faces of suspected criminals to their driver’s license and ID photos, creating a virtual lineup of their state residents. In this lineup, it’s not a human that points to the suspect – it’s an algorithm. Perhaps you trust what your “public servants” in government are doing with your private data... And proponents of the databases say that facial recognition can help law enforcement. But a mountain of data on every citizen presents an enticing target for all who would harm you. These huge databases are largely made up of innocent folks – according to the report, 80% of the photos in the FBI’s network are of people without any criminal history. Some complain that extreme uses, such as real-time surveillance using the database as a

You’re likely part of a criminal lineup... Even if you’ve never set foot in a police station... been suspected of a crime... or had your mug shot taken... the cops may still be keeping your photo on file. A basic right of every American citizen is to refuse to participate in any sort of lineup. But more and more of us no longer have that option. A report from Georgetown Law’s Center on Privacy and Technology shows that one out of every two Americans is in a police face- recognition database. You read that right... 50% of us have our photos in a police-controlled database. As the authors explained... The Government Accountability Office revealed that close to 64 million Americans do not have a say in the matter: 16 states let

By Dr. David Eifrig

A basic right of every American citizen is to refuse to participate in any sort of lineup.

American Consequences 35

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