American Consequences - March 2018


BIG EVERYBODY IS I forgot what a powerful, terrifying, and tragic novel 1984 is. I forgot because I had read the book a couple of times and was under the impression that I understood it.

I wrote about George Orwell’s novel 1984 in the September 2017 “Innovation” issue of American Consequences – in an article where I surveyed various “futurist” authors of the past to see how accurate their predictions about the future were. I’m afraid I gave Orwell short shrift. “Yeah, yeah,” I said, “a ‘telescreen’ that watches us while we watch it is where you’re reading this now.”

By P.J. O’Rourke

1984 tells the story of a totalitarianism so total that it’s not satisfied with eliminating Winston Smith, a decent, conscientious individual. It must also eliminate his decency, his conscience, and his individuality first.

38 March 2018

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