Colleague Hand Book

6.23 Appeal – the employee may appeal against the decision of the SM/SSM/SE following the Corrective Behavior and Disciplinary Action procedure. The appeal procedure is as follows:


The appeal must be made in writing outlining the reasons for the appeal.


The appeal must be addressed to the Director of Human Resources.


The appeal must be made within seven days of receiving the Counselling / Disciplinary Action.


The appeal will be heard at an Appeal Hearing. The panel of an Appeal Hearing will be either a SSM/SE of the employee’s Division and will be one level higher than the Manager that carried out the Disciplinary Hearing e.g. if a SSM carried out the Disciplinary Hearing, the SE will form part of the panel at the Appeal Hearing. The Director of Human Resources will also sit on the panel and the employee is entitled to bring a representative to the Appeal Hearing who must be an employee of the hotel. The purpose of the Appeal Hearing will be to review the evidence found in the Disciplinary Hearing and to hear the reasons as outlined in the written appeal.



The HRD will inform the employee of the outcome of the appeal in writing within seven days of the appeal hearing taking place.

It must be understood that the Human Resources Department is a partner to both parties and is involved as an advisor/counsellor in all of these situations.

7. Classification of Infractions and Corresponding Disciplinary Actions

The following list of infractions with corresponding disciplinary actions have been established to unify all existing rules and regulations promulgated in the Hotel. The classification is not exhaustive/may not contain all the infractions but it is elaborate in scope and systematic in approach. Each case has been adjudged on its own merit.

Rule 1: Work Discipline Rule 2: Work Procedure

Rule 3: Hotel Confidential Information Rule 4: Conservation of Hotel Business


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