King's Business - 1943-05



Bible Institute FAMILY CIRCLE

Latin-American Prayer Fellowship In -Mexico. She ¡may be addressed at Codallos 251, Patzcuaro, Mexico.. Ray (’34) and Mrs. de la Haye (Sophie Witter, ’36) returned by plane from Nigeria, West Africa, where they were missionaries under the Sudan Interior Mission. For about two years they were interned in French territory across the Nigerian border. While on furlough they may be r e a c h e d through Culfer Academy, 332 S. Virgil St, Los Angeles, Calif., or at 2878 Second Ave., East, Vancouver, B. C., Canada. Married Arthur Helton and Erma F. Purdy, ■40, Mar. 18, Kansas City, Kans. Kenneth Weathers and N a d i n e Douglass, ’39, Mar. 13, Mexico City, Mexico. Born To William R. (’37) and Mrs. Coz­ ens, a daughter, Merridith Esther, Mar. 17, Los Angeles, Calif. To George and Mrs. Fielding (Grace Coulombe, ’25), a son, George Edward, Mar. 11, Coronado, Calif.- To Otho (Th. B. ’37) and Mrs. Logan (Isabel Bateman, ’34), a son, John Dawson, Apr. 3, Seattle, Wash. To Neil (’41) and Mrs. Nellis (Jane Goodner, ’40), a son, Edward Goodner, Mar. 31, Santa Ana, Calif. To Lewis V. and Mrs, Ray (Mary Wall, ’40), a daughter, Grace Irene, Mar. 12, Los Angeles, Calif. To Jacob J. (’40) and Mrs. Regier (Betty Kinzie), a daughter, Sharon Elaine, April 1, Newton, Kans. To Menno and Mrs. Rempel (Helen Adrian, ’38), a son, Apr. 4, Coquille, Ore. Mr. and Mrs. Rempel are serving at the Emmanual B a p t i s t Church there. To Lester and Mrs. Spencer (Martha Gillespie), a son, Donald Marvin, July 11, 1942, Trinidad, Colo. Mr. and Mrs. Spencer -are engaged in American Sunday School Union work. To George C. (E. S. ’20) and Mrs. Van Dusen, a daughter, Dorothy An­ nette, Oct. 24, 1942, Aba, Congo Beige,’ Africa. To Fred (’39) and Mrs. Visser, a son, Frederick Neal, Mar. 30, Los. Angeles, Calif. To Herman (’38) and Mrs. Wrfrken- tin, a daughter, Sharon Beatrice, Feb. 24, Inman, Kans. With the Lord Mrs. Harold J o hans o n - - ( El l a A. Claassen, ’34) w a s called into th e ' presence of the Saviour on Apr. 10, following an emergency operation. Her husband (’34), who is pastor of the C o m.m u n i t y Church, Cottonwood, Calif., and their two small children, will appreciate the prayers of Biola friends.

Ordinations At the Hope Missionary Chapel, Rosemead, Calif., Herbert R- Bruce, the pastor, was ordained to the gospel .ministry on March 14. Paul R. Bau­ man, representing both the Bible In­ stitute of Los Angeles and the.Breth- reii Church, was the presiding officer. Arnold Riffel, ’37, was ordained to the ministry on Nov. 29, 1942. He and Mrs. -Riffel (Edna Richards, ’35), are engaged in Christian work in Haw­ thorne, Nev. T h e y are conducting church services in connection with a community Sunday-school and have begun a work among the col­ ored people there. Milton (’42) and Mrs. .Warkentin (Clara E. Neufeld, ’42) left the United States in January to work under the Wycliffe Bible Translators in Mexico. Mr. Warkentin, Apartado 2975, Mexi­ co City, D. F., Mexico, was ordained at the Mennonite Brethren Church, Dinuba, Calif., on January 10. Recent Visitors at Biola Chaplain Eric E. (’25) and Mrs. Swadell (Laura Pirn, ’25) attended the Alumni Reunion with their daughter, Mary Rose.. Mrs. Ira King (Dorothy Thompson, ’19) spoke at the student assembly recently. She is assisting her hus­ band, Chaplain King of the Los An­ geles Jail Commission. John (’19) and Mrs. Remple (’19) and Albert Dwight, ’15, are also ministering to the men and women in this jail. Aleck and Mrs. Olson (Adina Ber­ gen, ’31), who were serving in Ni­ geria, Africa, under the Sudan Interi­ or Mission, called at the Institute in March. They may be addressed tem­ porarily at 451 So. Bixel, Los An­ geles, Calif. Mary Morrow, ’35, who has been at her home in Seattle since her mother’s injury in an automobile ac­ cident last fall, stopped in Los An­ geles en route to Premium, Ky., where she has been working under the Ken­ tucky Mountain Mission. While caring for her mother a n d t h e family at home, Miss Morrow took several Red Cross courses which will be valuable on the field. A t Work for Christ Eleanor Schuhmann, ’34, and Lyllis M. Blackie are working in the Kenai Children’s Home, Kenai, Alaska. Paul­ ine Smith, ’29, was with them for a week in January. Dyllis James, ’32, a

registered nurse, left on February 8 to assist them at the Home. As the children have just been through a long siege of whooping cough, Miss James will be doubly welcome. Both the children and the workers at the . Home are rejoicing in the provision which the Lord has mkde for their needs, and in their opportunities to witness. There is an opening for an­ other worker there, so that the work in the village may be enlarged. Verna M. Pepper, ’32, who has been through a number of bombings in China, reports (hat in many cases Christians were especially protected from bombing, robbers, and bandits of all kinds. Her testimony is expressed in the Scripture, “I have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear; but now mine eye seeth thee.” In October, 1942, she -wrote that food was scarce, and that she had received only one letter from America ; since October, 1941: "Fighting is no more dangerous now than it has been the past two years, and the Lord has supplied our every need. We go along just the same with our Work, but it seems to get harder day after day because Satan’s time is nearing the end. The Lord is the same today as yesterday, and He still an­ swers prayer.” Mr. and Mrs. John C. Slocum (Adda Payne), who have served three terms under the Mid-Africa Mission, write: "We feel the need of your prayers now as never before as we make plans to go to New York and on to Africa. We have yet to procure passports, visas, priorities for passage, etc., but our friends who have gone to New York in recent months have found that by be­ ing ‘on the spot’ one couple after an­ other has been able to leave. We are trusting that God will open the way before us as He has done thus far.” Their three children, Lois, John, and Ruth, will remain in America. The Slocums may be addressed of .Hephzibah House, 51 West 75th Street, New York, N. Y. Eldon (’38) and Mrs. Johnson (Opal Sherier, ’37) are now in Poopo, Bolivia, S. A., where they are the first resident missionaries. E n c o u r a g e d by the friendly attitude of the natives, they are holding evening meetings and are doing personal work in the village. With the aid of a Christian interpreter they hope soon to be able to conduct open-air services in the surrounding area. Their three-months-old son is on his way to recovery from a serious case of yellow jaundice. Florence Eisele, '42, left Los An­ geles in March for service under the

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