King's Business - 1943-05

A public o f f ic ia l...

who knows his Bible After a full day at the office, the treas­ urer o f a W yom ing town finds time for personal Bible study through a Moody hom e study course. H e says . . . . . your course stands right by the Bible, with clear and definite inform a­ tion on how to handle G od ’s W ord in teaching all classes o f people!’ W ouldn’t you like a better understand­ ing o f how to present the Bible to others—in all its convincing power? T h e Teacher Training Course will help you. W rite for details. Address Dept. «-822 CO R R E S P OND E N C E SCHOOL

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The Standard Publishing Co. 8th and Cutter Streets, Cincinnati, Ohio

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s f a a .S h a r e r £ & & / You can share the Word with others and re­ ceive an income for life for yourself—easily and simply through the Annuity Agreement plan of the American Bible Society. Why not join the thousands of grateful own­ ers of these Agreements—those who REGU­ LARLY receive their checks at stated inter­ vals—those who have that pleasant satisfaction of knowing that their agreement has almost 100 years o f success behind it. And, too, wouldn’t it give you a glow of satisfaction to know that you are sharing in the work of distributing the Scriptures to millions throughout the world? “ A Gift That Lives” tells you of this grand Plan and how it works. Will you not let us send you this booklet ? M_A l_L__THE_CO_UPO_N_TOD_AY American Bible Society, Bible House, New York, N. Y, i Please rend me, without obligation, your booklet IÇB-33 entitled “ A Gift That Lives!* Name Address !.. City.. ..State..

A clear and challenging presentation of vital issues today involved in Chris­ tian Education. The time has come to rethink Christian Education in terms o f the local church; and the author,James DeForest Murch, answers ev­ ery vital question with information thoroughly true to the Scriptures. Discussed under three heads: (1) History (2) Principles and (3) Practice. Compre­ hensive, scholarly, practical. A must book for min­ isters, superintendents, and all church school work­ ers, and a marvelous reference ¡.book. Be sure to get your copy o f Christian Education and the Local Church NOW! 416 pages, price $2.50.

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