King's Business - 1943-05

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born of God doth not commit sin.” This means the true child of God does not continue to live in the practice of sin. Sinning is not the habit of his life. While in this life, the children of God Still have the old nature. It is not eradicated from their being. However, the new nature is able to obtain the victory over sin if it is properly fed by prayer, the Word, and a careful walk with God. Sin breaks a Chris­ tian’s fellowship with God. It saps his spiritual power, and makes his wit­ ness ineffective. God’s children need to be increasingly sensitive to sin. 2. "And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father" (v. 1). What happens if the c h i l d of God sins? Some people believe that the believer thereby loses his salvation, and that it is not regained until he repents and confesses his. failures to the Lord. If' this were true, it ¡would rob the soul of all possibility of assurance, because in thought, word, and deed even be­ lievers are prone to falter and fail. This passage does teach, however, that when the child of God sins, even be­ fore he may be conscious of it or con­ fesses it, his Advocate, his Attorney, his Lawyer—the Lord Jesus Christ— undertakes for him. Why is such an Advocate needed? Because every be­ liever has a great adversary. Satan is the accuser of the brethren in the court of heaven seeking to remove the believer’s standing (Rev. 12:10). It is then that the believer’s great Advocate steps forward and presents the merit of Calvary on b e h a l f of the erring Christian. Thus the believer’s perfect standing with God is maintained. It is on the ground of Calvary’s atonement that sin—whether in the -unregener­ ated man or in the b e l i e v e r — is cleansed and put away. 3. "We know that we have passed from death unto life, because we love the brethren" (3:14). There are six great tests found in the book of John which determine the reality of our being born again. In the form of ques­ tions they may be presented as fol­ lows: (1) Do we love the brethren? (3:14). (2) Do we have a proper faith in Christ? (5:1). (3) Dq we practice righteousness? (2:29). (4) Do we hate sin? (3:9). (5) Do we have the wit­ ness of the Holy Spirit in our hearts? (3:24; 5:10). (6) Are we overcoming the*world in our daily lives? (5:4, 5). The Lord wants His followers to have the assurance of salvation. The word “know” occurs about forty times in the five chapters of this book.

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merits of his goods. Soon the lady said, “I know something that will take out stains, too.” “What is that?” asked the man. She quoted 1 John 1:7: “ ‘The blood of Jesus. Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.’ Do you know anything about that?” she asked. ,Do you suppose that man could demonstrate his goods again for six months w i t h o u t thinking of that “ other something” which takes stains out of a sinful heart?-»-One Thousand Acts and Facts, by H. Pickering. Jesus' Buie of Love 2 J ohn ; L uke 10:25-37 MEMORY VERSE: “This is my com- mandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you” (John 15:12). APPROACH: Dorothy Ann climbed on the edge of her mother’s chair and whispered: “Mother, I love you so much!” But later, when asked to help w i t h the dusting, she s l i p p e d out into the backyard to play. She forgot how important it is that what we do s h a l l show the meaning of what we say. There was a man who lived when J e s u s was here on earth, who needed to learn that, too. LESSON STORY: The man was a lawyer. He came to the Lord Jesus with a question: “Master, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?” The law­ yer knew the answer that the Bible gave to this question;-that is, he knew the words, but he didn’t really know the meaning. To help him under­ stand, the Lord Jesus told him a story. He'said a man was going on a trip one day, when some bad men met him, took his money and his clothes, and whipped him so hard that he lay on the road half dead. The bad men Went away. By and by, a man who was a leader in the church came along the road. He saw the man who was in trouble, but he walked right on without help­ ing him. Another man did the same thing. But the third man was different. He was kind to the man who had been hurt. He put bandages on the hurt * places on his body. He let him ride on his own beast, and took him to an inn, or hotel. He paid the bill for the poor


The stories of mas. murder of .Tews by the Nazi, com­ puted In tb. millions were first thought to bo fantastic. Now unmistakable p r o o f shows that heartless cruelty has been understated.

A CHRISTIAN CHALLENGE These Jewish persecutions may be in God’s providence our opportunity to win them to Christ by showing through material Help that we really care. This Society is now sending aid through Sweden to the starving Jews in Poland, many of whom are children. This help is in addition to our ministry among the two and a half m illion Jews in New York City including the care o f He- brew-Christian refugees. THE DIVINE IMPERATIVE “ Go rather to'the lost sheep of the house of Israel" (Matt. 10:6), is Christ’s com- mand with impressive meaning today. If God prompts you to give, do it at once through this Society founded in 1908 by the sainted Dr. Thomas M. Chalmers. Frederick A. Aston Head the progress of the work in our monthly Jewish Missionary Magazine.” Subscription, $1.00 per year. Sample copy, 10c. NEW YORK JEWISH EVANGELIZATION SOCIETY Inc . Rev. Curtis Lee Laws, D.D., LL.D., President Rev. Frederick A. Aston, A.M.. Director 60 Second Avenue, New York, N. Y.'

Golden Text Illustration 1 J ohn 1 :7

An agent was trying to sell to a woman an a r t i c l e for taking out stailis. He was rubbing away, and meanwhile eloquently describing the

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