King's Business - 1943-05



"A home where Christ I* loved and honored is the n e a r e s t a p p r o a c h t o heaven that can be found on .earth.”

By JAMES CUTHBERTSON* Los Angeles, California

Entanglements and were left speechless with their magnificence. Then we climbed aloft in a plane, and from thousands of feet in the air we looked down on what had held us in awe. But from that height, t h e immense cataract looked like a teacup of water flowing over a .crack in the earth. It is good to see things from God’s point of view. What the world considers so magnificent, its positions, politics, power, and prizes, must seem trifling when seen as God sees them. These trifles have become so im­ portant to many who call themselves Christians, that their absorption in them renders them unready for that great Day and the appearing of the Lord Jesus Christ. 2. How unreal it all is. The world does seem solid. Think of the prestige of its educational in­ stitutions: the surprises of its inven-

"Likewise olso as It was In the days of Lot; . . . the same day that Lot Went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them' all. Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is re­ vealed" (Lk. 17:28-30). S ODOM is God’s picture of an ut­ terly godless world, a society which has neither time nor place for Him. The detailed story behind our text is in Genesis 19. Lot is held up to us as the example of a man of God (cf. 2 Pet. 2:7, 8) entangled in a wicked world, and unready for the cali of God’s mercy. He is set forth as a ‘‘righteous’’ man, a man justified by faith, but who is trying to make the -best of both worlds. The Word clearly foretells the com- *For many years a missionary in Jason.

ing dissolution of the world, a time which will also be one of disillusion. The Lord says that many will find themselves unready for the day of His coming. We need to readjust our out­ look and examine ourselves in the light'Of this coming greatest of all crises. I. IT IS A PASSING WORLD 1. How insignificant it is. Unreadiness to meet the Lord Jesus Christ is, first of all, a result of wrong views of this world. If only we were high enough up,, we could see things in their right perspective. I looked down on the streets of New York from the top of the Woolworth Building. I was Impressed with the smallness of things. On another occasion I visited Victoria Falls, Northern Rhodesia, South Africa.- These are vaster than Niagara. We saw the Falls from be­ neath. from the sides, from in front.

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