FMN | November 26th, 2018

ICPF To Connect With Students In Teleconference The International Corrugated Packaging Founda- tion will conduct its annual Teleconference on The Business of Corrugated Packaging & Displays and the Career Opportunities on February 21, 2019. As in past years, 400-500 packaging, graphic design, mar- keting & sales, chemical & mechanical engineering, supply chain management, business and other stu- dents and faculty on 15-20 college campuses are ex- pected to participate. This annual event is not a webcast, but a live video conference utilizing professional WKAR TV person- nel and TV broadcast equipment at central Michi- gan’s PBS studios for two-way interactivity. After their presentation, industry panel speakers, Jeff Chalovich, President Corrugated Packaging,West- Rock; Greg Hall, CEO, Smurfit Kappa North Americ, and student moderator Taylor Jensen, Michigan State Packaging ’19 & Landaal Packaging Student Intern, will address live questions from students on each of the participating campuses. Best Of The Best Campuses that are planning to participate include Appalachian State University, Bowling Green State University, California Polytechnic State University, Clemson University, Dunwoody College of Technolo- gy, Indiana State University, Illinois State University, Lewis-Clark State College, Michigan State University, Millersville University, North Carolina A & T Universi- ty, North Carolina State University, Pittsburg State University, Rochester Institute of Technology, Rutgers University, University of Florida, University of Texas- Arlington, University of Wisconsin-Stout,Virginia Tech andWestern Michigan. The Teleconference-s grand finale will include ICPF’s annual Best of the Best, Student Design Pre- sentation Competition. Student teams, that earlier placed in AICC's 2018 design competition, will be competing for cash prizes. Student teams from Ap- palachian State, Cal Poly, and University of Texas - Ar- lington will be tasked to show, tell and sell their winning entries by explaining the objective, the re- search conducted, design and other background. Anti Counterfeit Packaging Market To Surpass $206.57B The Anti-Counterfeit Packaging Market is expected to exceed more than $206.57 billion by 2022 at a CAGR of 14 percent in the given forecast period, ac- cording to a report from Market Watch.


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