Microbiology Today October 2022: Protists

James Weiss

since protists are quite common and diverse, it just makes microscopy more enjoyable, which one can describe as going on a Safari in a drop of water. We do so by showing living protists of diverse types, shapes and colours, and always in big numbers, which is bound to impress the observant mind. Watching thousands of ‘green slugs’ (i.e. Euglena ) in a tiny drop of water, or pink ‘sausages’ (i.e. the ciliate Blepharisma )

We run microscope hands-on events for the local community, revealing the hidden microbial world to them. We give them the opportunity to experience the first glance into this unusual world by setting up some microscopes and preparing some slides with our protist cultures. Protist is a taxonomic term to cover a bunch of different, and quite unrelated, groups of single-celled eukaryotes, and

81 Microbiology Today October 2022 | microbiologysociety.org

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