Microbiology Today October 2022: Protists

The Education and Outreach Grant is available to support relevant science teaching or promotion initiatives or to support developments likely to lead to an improvement in the teaching of any aspect of microbiology. E arlier this year, Ruth MacLaren, Sciencedipity, UK, organised and ran her engagement project ‘Invisible Worlds’ in the Petroc College Campuses in the towns of Spotlight on Grants: Education and Outreach Grant

Tiverton and Barnstaple, Devon, UK. The aim of the project was for students aged 13 and upwards to learn about different aspects of microbiology with an emphasis on practical elements. The students engaged in microscopy, streak plating, aseptic technique, Gram staining and bacterial identification tests, which included a tour of a local industrial microbiology lab. During the event, Ruth supported students to carry out their own microbiology techniques. Through this, they were able to learn about what prokaryotic cells look like, how they can play a part in addressing antibiotic resistance, why microbes are essential for the planet and the careers that are available to them in microbiology. Ruth said that “The youngsters loved the opportunity to carry out new and relevant microbial techniques, which built on their current knowledge. I benefitted from reaching out to teens rather than my usual cohort of primary school children. I’d recommend anyone to apply for the scheme if they have a well-prepared idea or workshop for community outreach.” Now the project has ended, Ruth plans to “definitely be carrying out the same lab-based evening course that the

Ruth MacLaren

Society funded, but I also did a shorter version for home- educated teens which I would also repeat. Although this course wasn’t in a lab it was still a useful, informative and practical course for them with the British Science Association’s CREST Award too.”

Applications for the Education and Outreach Grant open twice a year, in January and June, with deadlines in April and October, respectively. To find out more about the wide range of grants available to support Microbiology Society members, visit the grants area ( microbiologysociety. org/grants ) on our website.

Ruth MacLaren

104 Microbiology Today October 2022 | microbiologysociety.org

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