16A — September 12 - 25, 2014 — M id A tlantic
Real Estate Journal
A ppraisal
Fundraiser in Bridgewater, NJ gives proceeds to Team Liberty Metro New Jersey Chapter of the Appraisal Institute Fund Raiser
EW JERSEY — Jo- seph E. Baldoni, MAI , pres ident of the Metro New Jersey Chapter of the Appraisal Institute , presents a check to Elisse E. Glennon, ex- ecutive director of the NJ Sharing Network. The Metro NJ Chapter held its annual fundraiser at Patriots Park Baseball Stadium in Bridge- water, NJ with the proceeds going to Team Liberty, a program o f the Shar ing Network. The NJ Sharing Network is an organization providing organ and tissue N
recovery for those individual awaiting transplantation. Its facilities are located in New Providence, NJ. Metro New Jersey Chapter has sponsored the baseball fun- draiser for the last several years. Through the generous participation of the Chap- ter Members and business associates, donations have benefited various worthy charitable organizations in the area. The Appraisal In- stitute, in its 82nd year, is the nation’s largest profes- sional and highly recognized appraisal organization. n
Joseph E. Baldoni, MAI, presents a fundraiser check to Elisse E. Glennon, and Marla Bace. Also pictured are Patti DiSanto and Victor DiSanto representing Team Liberty
CHICAGO, IL — The analy- sis of real estate markets is a core skill of modern appraisal and is critical for risk manage- ment in the marketplace, ac- cording to a new book from the professional association of real estate appraisers. Market Analysis for Real Es- tate: Concepts and Applications in Valuation and Highest and Best Use, second edition” pub- lished by the Appraisal Institute helps appraisers as they exam- ine a property’s productivity, delineate the market, study and compare supply and demand, investigate market trends and develop a capture estimate for the property being appraised. “Only an experienced, trained valuation professional can pro- vide dispassionate, unbiased analysis of the supply and de- mand for a class of property in a specific market and of the mar- ketability of a specific property in that market, which is a key decision-making tool for market participants,” Appraisal Insti- tute president Ken Wilson, MAI, SRA , wrote in the book’s foreword. “Market Analysis for Real Estate: Concepts and Applica- tions in Valuation and Highest and Best Use” by Stephen Fan- ning, MAI , is a three-part text that presents the principles and techniques of market and mar- ketability analysis, illustrates these concepts with case study applications and explains how the information developed in the appraiser’s market analysis con- tributes to the highest and best use conclusion and the applica- tion of the three approaches to value. n Appraisal Institute book supports development of market analysis
Campisi Appraisal Services is located in York, Pennsylvania. Owner and real estate appraiser, Josephine Campisi, MAI, works with large banks, lawyers, investors, owners, etc. appraising a wide variety of commercial properties such as restaurants, office buildings, shopping centers and industrial buildings. Josephine Campisi, MAI has more than 29 years of experience including 9 years of training at some of the most prestigious companies in Manhattan. After acquiring extensive experience and knowledge, you can rest assured she has the expertise to appraise your property. Call today to discuss your appraisal needs.
Josephine Campisi, MAI President
Campisi Appraisal Services 2592 Brookmar Drive, York, PA 17408-9490 P: 717.846.2643 | E: CampisiAppraisal@aol.com
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