
16B — September 12 - 25, 2014 — New Jersey — M id A tlantic

Real Estate Journal


NJ A partment & M ultifamily S ummit

By Brent Kohere, NJAA Charitable Fund NJAA Charitable Fund: The “season of giving” lasts all year long


he calendar may say September, but the “ sea-

communities we serve is not limited to a single season; planning and executing our fundraising initiatives is a year-round endeavor. The NJAA Charitable Fund organizes events throughout the year to support a number of charitable initiatives. For example, in June we held an ‘Amazing Race’ and ‘Cock- tails for a Cause’ to benefit Community Hope’s Hope for Veterans program. Proceeds from our popular Golf Out- ing support two vital causes: our Scholarship Program for residents of NJAA member

properties, member employ- ees and their dependents; and our annual Children’s Holiday Party for children from underserved commu- nities. The Charitable Fund has proven it has a strong abil- ity to raise money. We are fortunate to have the tre- mendous support of NJAA members who donate their time and resources, as well as a hardworking committee that invests their ideas and energy on our behalf. With the official “season of giving” just around the

corner, I want to not only thank our members for their generosity of spirit but to ask for support from the full real estate community in any way possible. Please consider hosting a toy drive to help us collect gifts for our Chil- dren’s Holiday Party, which will be held December 9 at the Meadowlands Exposition Center To experience the joy and laughter of over eight hun- dred children as they engage in the array of fun activities – and see their faces as they choose their gifts – is to see

our mission brought to life. Contact membership@njaa. com for information on how you can help. There are numerous de- mands on your time and resources, and this is espe- cially true during the holi- day season. But on behalf of everyone involved with the NJAA Charitable Fund, I want to say it is gratifying to be part of this vital work. And we can take pride in knowing that – as an indus- try – we are supporting those in need. Please join us! Brent Kohere is presi- dent of the NJAA Chari- table Fund. n The NJAA petitioned the Appellate Division of the Superior Court to join as an amicus curiae in support of the appellant in Timber Glen vs. Township of Ham- ilton (Atlantic County). The apartment firm, T imber Glen , is asking the court to invalidate Hamilton’s apart- ment licensing scheme as impermissible under state laws enabling municipali- ties to adopt licensure ordi- nances. NJAA’s brief argues that, as the power to license is not inherent in municipal corporations, any ordinance which attempts to license without a statutory grant of power are considered ultra vires and void. The New Jer- sey Legislature, in adopting amendment to the licensure laws in 1998, expressly lim- ited municipal licensure authority to seasonal rent- als (rentals of less than 175 days), a point which is clear in both the plain meaning of the statute and was under- scored in the bill’s legislative history. NJAA argues in its brief that the legislative in- tent is unequivocal and that the Trial Court’s ruling, if al- lowed to stand, would create a mischievous incentive for municipalities to adopt such ordinances, which would drive up housing costs for rental housing providers and rental residents alike. NJAA is represented in this matter by Charles Gormally, Esq. , Brach Eichler, LLC . n NJAA submits brief in appeal of Hamilton Twp. licensing ordinance

son of giv- i n g ” i s i n f u l l swi ng at the NJAA C h a r i t a - ble Fund . Dur ing my f i r s t e i ght mon t hs a s Char i tab l e

Brent Kohere

Fund president, I have seen first-hand that using the collective resources of the multi-family housing in- dustry to give back to the

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Join the New Jersey Apartment Association Create opportunities for knowledge and professional development that lead to increased revenue Stay current on trends and industry issues Be a part of a local and national community of like minded individuals Learn about the newest products and services available Network and connect with thousands of industry professionals Get involved and give back through the NJAA Charitable Fund’s efforts

For more information on joining the NJAA Contact Marilyn Halter, Manager Membership Services at marilyn@njaa.com or (732) 992-0609 www.njaa.com Dedicated to providing quality, affordable rental housing for New Jersey’s working families, young couples and seniors

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