
Real Estate Journal — Pennsylvania — September 12 - 25, 2014 — 5C


M id A tlantic

C entral PA

By Mike Kushner, CCIM, Omni Realty Group Central Pennsylvania retail market sees burst of growth in second quarter 2014


No real estate class is more closely tied to economic recov- ery than the retail sector. While facing other obstacles such as the loss of major shopping center tenants, migration of retail users to pad sites, lack of new-format retailers and com- peting internet sales, the next six months will see continued recovery of gross retail sales as consumers increase household debt and feel more financially secure with restructured hous- ing payments and more retire- ment equity. Continued hous- ing market stability remains the key metric in the fate of local retail growth. n

he Central PA Retail Real Estate Submarket, which includes Adams,

York , Lan- caster, Perry, Dauphin and Cumberland C o u n t i e s , experienced a sur g e o f g r o w t h i n second quar- t e r 2 0 1 4 . Wh e r e d i d

Mike Kushner

this growth occur? What was the cause? And what does this mean for the local economy? Let’s first take a closer look at what the numbers are telling us. Second quarter 2014 experi- enced the most square-footage absorbed in one quarter since first quarter 2011. Total net absorption for this quarter was 298,553 s/f. This was a 237,473 square foot increase from first quarter 2014 which had a net absorption of just 61,080 s/f. Af- ter taking a major hit in second quarter 2012, net absorption has been slowly (and unsteadi- ly) recovering; however, this is the highest spike it has seen in more than three years. Vacancy rates dropped to 5.9% in the second quarter, fall- ing from the previous quarter’s 6.2%. This is the lowest vacancy rate Central PA has seen since before third quarter 2010. In correlation to the decrease in vacancy rates, rental rates increased by $0.27. At $11.47 psf, this is the highest rental rates we have seen since second quarter 2012. Additionally, second quarter 2014 brought Central PA some of its top retail leases as exist- ing businesses changed loca- tions and new businesses en- tered the area. Some highlights include White Oak Furniture’s 38,869 s/f lease in North Lon- donderry Square, Palmyra. Get Air signed a 24,300 square-foot lease in Union Square, Har- risburg. A new Aldi location in Mill Creek Square, Lancaster took 17,594 s/f of retail space off the market in second quarter 2014. Finally, Sky Zone moved into a 24,045 square foot space in Gateway Square, Hampden Township. Combined, this is a total of 104,808 s/f of retail rent- al space absorbed by just four locations in a single quarter. The Central PA retail real estate market finished second quarter 2014 with encourag- ing indicators of growth. New and expanding businesses are

requiring more space, push- ing rental rates higher and vacancy rates lower than

they have been in years. This growth is also sure to have a positive impact on the local

economy as these businesses create more jobs and bring new revenue streams to the area.

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