
C Back Cover — September 12 - 25, 2014 — Pennsylvania — M id A tlantic

Real Estate Journal


63 Green Mountain road Humboldt IndustrIal Park I East unIontownsHIP



582,400 Sq. Ft. I 60.793 acreS I 550+ traIler SpaceS BROKER BONUS * $150,000

*tHe $150,000 BroKer BonuS oFFer aPPLieS to neW LeaSeS and SaLeS onLY. aGreeMentS MuSt Be eXeCuted BY 12/21/14. tHe BonuS iS in addition to MeriCLe’S

Standard CoMMiSSion StruCture For LeaSe tranSaCtionS. MeriCLe PaYS a CoMMiSSion oF 5% on tHe PriMarY terM uP to 10 YearS and 3% on reneWaLS aS Set FortH in tHe LeaSe aGreeMent.

582,400 Sq. Ft. industrial building in excellent condition located on 60.79 acres in Humboldt Industrial Park, East union township, Pennsylvania. I-81 can be reached in less than fiveminutes and I-80 can be reached in less than 15minutes . the building features 30’8” to 36’5” ceiling clear height, 84 cross-docked loading doors, energy- efficient fluorescent T-bay lighting, and an ESFR fire protection system. Contains a 4,319 Sq. Ft. main office , a warehouse office, and three shipping offices. natural gas heat and modern water and sanitary sewer systems. Two (2) 800 amp (expandable), 277/480 volt, 3-phase electrical services. ‘40’ x 50’ column spacing with 60’ staging bay at loading docks. Can be subdivided to as small as 145,600 Sq. Ft.

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Expansion possible.

more than 550 trailer spaces on site. FoR lEaSE oR FoR SalE.

570.823.1100 I mericle •

Mericle, a Butler Builder ™ , is proud to be part of a network of building professionals dedicated to providing you the best construction for your needs.


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